August 31, 1994 GenMsg is a PaceSoft Utility. All PaceSoft Utilities are issued in a manner such that their authenticity can be verified by using the FileTest utility. By running the utility FileTest on the original Zip archive, you should recieve a message indicating that the file has not been tampered with, and is intact as issued for distribution. This is an important safeguard that indicates that no one has contaminated this archive or its contents with a Virus. If the ARCHIVED File you recieved containing GenMsg does not verify as having been issued by GK Pace, it has been altered, and thus could have been infected or corrupted in some manner. DO NOT USE IT! You should obtain the latest version of FileTest, and use it on all files being Distributed by the SDN, DVN, and others. The SDN utility SEALTEST is similar, and can be used to verify PaceSoft utilities as well. The latest version of FileTest can be obtained by FREQ from 1:374/26 using the *magic* name of FileTest. A coplete list of PaceSoft Utilities, and other files available can be obtained by FREQ using the *magic* name of FILES. -gk PS: the current (to date) version of FileTest is version 1.03. PPS: Alas it seems that there are many who insist upon repackaging files prior to making them available for others... this distroys the original safegards in that the signature is deleted and verification is impossible. This is in my opinion a very wrong thing to do... however it is impossible to prevent those who insist, from doing it... If the copy you recieve is not in its original format (a Zip file) and fails the FileTest, perhaps a complaint from you to the person you recieved from would be in order??? For those of you using PGP, you can verify the integrity of the GenMsg.exe file by testing the accompanying GENMSG.SIG signature file. A copy of my Public Key is contained in the enclosed KEYS.ASC file.