69 files found in Library "OS/2: A - M"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
AFET10.ZIP No 417237 07-10-94
AFExT version 1.0 - ARCHIVE FRONT END OS/2
2.1x PM archive utilities that provide a
visual front end for archive view and scan.
ANS003.ZIP Yes 228796 09-25-94
OS/2 v2.x, Comm Answering Machine (req.
Rockwell-based voice modem).
AQUANAUT.ZIP Yes 229045 09-28-94
Aquanaut, an MMPM/2 enabled shoot-em-up
arcade game for OS/2
AUTOBMP3.ZIP Yes 268389 08-12-94
AUTOBMP 2.3 An OS/2 Desktop background bitmap
automated changing utility. Reqs VROBJ.dll
BACK_WPS.ZIP Yes 29985 02-19-94
OS/2 v2.1, Sysutils Command line utility for
backing up the OS/2 desktop.
BARNEY11.ZIP Yes 110913 03-28-94
Barney V1.01: Filelist Request Utility With
Many Features! FOR OS/2
BEDIT2.ZIP Yes 49267 08-12-94
Bedit/2 is a 32-bit multithreaded binary file
editor, supporting large files for OS/2
BLANKR42.ZIP Yes 160070 09-01-94
Screen Blanker v4.2 - OS/2 32-bit internal
and external module screen saver
BTOS232.ZIP Yes 557762 07-30-94
BinkleyTerm 2.59a 32-bit for OS/2 (Compiled
with IBM C/Set), "Complete Docs" [2.50 thru
Whatsnew.59a], SIO 1.30c, SIOCOMM 0.15b,
MAXCOMM 2.90.1, SNSERVER.DLL, and Samples
CCAMET.ZIP Yes 21288 09-20-94 CCa's OS/2 CPU display!
CDIR2_15.ZIP Yes 94594 08-21-94
CDIR2 v1.50 for OS/2 2.x. This program
works the same as the OS/2 and DOS DIR
command except that it displays the files in
the colors that you define. Very easy to use
CLASSLIB.ZIP Yes 306369 09-03-94
Class library for OS/2 PM programming,
EMX/GCC compiler needed
COMPAREU.ZIP Yes 31495 08-08-94
For Unix file listings - v1.0 - makes output
file of any files that exist in NEWFILE and
not in the OLD one.
CUTV20.ZIP Yes 149059 07-03-94
Os/2 application for quickly saving clipboard
data to various categories. Ver 2.0 c.
DBP025B.ZIP Yes 61073 08-27-94
Beta 0.25 of a new Boot Manager replacement
for OS/2
DF2_3211.ZIP Yes 11921 09-06-94
Version 1.1 of DF2-32 for OS/2 includes DF
that correctly handles mounted network drives
DXPSH10.ZIP Yes 52583 08-09-94
DXP Shell 1.0 An OS/2 PM Shell requiring
DXP 2.31 or higher. Brings disk image
image management to PM. Excellent.
E27EL1.ZIP Yes 1201484 09-16-94 Emacs/2 for OS/2 lisp libraries disk 1
E27EL2.ZIP Yes 1035803 09-15-94 Emacs/2 for OS/2 lisp libraries disk 2
E27INFO.ZIP Yes 594495 09-12-94 Info about Emacs/2 for OS/2
E27LIB1.ZIP Yes 1054234 09-16-94
Emacs/2 for OS/2 libraries disk 1
Unzip using - d Contains subdirectories
E27LIB2.ZIP Yes 432980 09-16-94
Emacs/2 for OS/2 libraries disk 2
Unzip using - d Contains subdirectories
E27MAN.ZIP Yes 740984 09-12-94 Emacs/2 for OS/2 manual..
E27MIN.ZIP Yes 935575 09-16-94 Emacs/2 for OS/2 min
EAINV101.ZIP Yes 40551 09-05-94
OS/2 Easy Invoice 1.01. Excellent invoicing
program for any business. Works under OS/2
full screen or window.
ED.ZIP Yes 57028 08-26-94 A UN*Xish editor for OS/2
ENTRTAN4.ZIP Yes 178871 09-15-94 Entertainment Pack 1.4 for OS/2
ETLR21B3.ZIP Yes 991401 08-12-94
E-Teller Bank/Credit Card management utility
for OS/2
FC2_120.ZIP Yes 164735 10-21-94
File Commander/2 v1.2,
Norton Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2
Provides powerful file management functions,
program launch, text viewing and editing
facilities in 32 bit OS/2 text mode.
FIH102.ZIP Yes 112436 07-26-94
Icon Heaven v1.02 - OS/2 workplace shell
enhancement enables users to assign icons to
objects using simple drag and drop. Includes
sample icon libraries.
FILEB188.ZIP Yes 239584 08-09-94
FileBar 1.88 - Utility for OS/2 2.x
FileBar is an application launch
facility & shell replacement for OS/2 2.x
Uses less memory than IBM's WPS VERY HANDY!
FILL120.ZIP Yes 23265 07-31-94
Floppy disk filler with 2.88Mb FD support for
FINFO10.ZIP Yes 46603 07-26-94
File Information browser that retrieves
detailed info on a file or directory object
from any WPS view in OS/2
FLEETB90.ZIP Yes 391200 07-26-94
FleetStreet 0.90wb for OS/2 2.x PM is a
flexible and powerful message reader.
FM2_210.ZIP Yes 510677 10-01-94
FM/2 v2.08 PM 32-bit file/directory/archive
maintenance package for OS/2 with plenty of
bells and whistles
FMCRD151.ZIP Yes 224996 08-25-94
<<< 8 Card Games for OS/2, Version 1.51 >>>
This is a suit of 8 solitaire card games for
the OS/2 operating system. Shareware.
Enclosed trial version is fully functional.
FODDER.ZIP Yes 71179 09-29-94
Fodder, similar to the old Apple ][ game
Snakebite, for OS/2
FSTAR99D.ZIP Yes 708905 08-21-94
FILESTAR/2 v0.99d - OS/2 File Maintenance
Utility. Drag&Drop and Point&Click interfaces
GEOB1006.ZIP Yes 357747 10-06-94 GoldED/ 2.50.B1006 for OS/2. Fidonet editor
GMSG2419.ZIP Yes 123179 09-02-94
GenMsg .MSG editor/interface for
PGP/SecureMail/uucp use in OS/2.
GO_13.ZIP Yes 18291 09-29-94
List, switch to, and kil running processes
under OS/2
Uploaded by: Joshua Chessman
GRFCDEMO.ZIP Yes 1343005 06-10-94
GraphiC/OS2 Demo - Demo's some of the
capabilities - for OS/2
HCSHDEMO.ZIP Yes 1298785 06-16-94 Hamilton C Shell Demo 2.2 for OS/2
HNGMN120.ZIP Yes 229520 08-10-94 OS/2 PM Hangman game v1.20
HPDF_103.ZIP Yes 14486 08-04-94
HPFS disk defragmenter for OS/2
Files: 2 08-04-94...08-04-94 New: 2
Uploaded by: Joshua Chessman
HPFSTL14.ZIP Yes 94555 09-20-94 OS/2: HPFS Undelete - no DELDIR req'd.
HV102.ZIP Yes 41663 07-23-94
HyperView 1.02: an OS/2 file viewer with
special capabilities for isolating and
extracting information from word processing
and text files. Automatically reads and
recognizes Ami Pro, DeScribe, WordPerfect
(vers 5.x and 6.0), & WinWord (vers 1 - 6).
IBB124.ZIP Yes 147437 09-24-94 OS/2: Itty-Bitty Black Book/2 v1.24.
IDEA_V11.ZIP Yes 105082 09-29-94
IDEA (International Data Encryption
Algorithm) v1.1 for OS/2
INFO2BMP.ZIP Yes 18868 08-30-94 Convert Amiga .info icons to OS/2 bitmaps
IRC2_001.ZIP Yes 135275 09-24-94
Internet Relay Chat client (req. IBM TCP/IP)
for OS/2
JLIST01.ZIP Yes 189685 10-09-94
JList 0.1, A Kanji file viewer (req. emxrt)
for OS/2
KA2_11.ZIP Yes 369508 09-20-94
Kitchen Assistant/2 ver 1.1 - A PM recipe
manager for OS/2. Search for recipes based
on word(s) in title, Group, or ingredient.
Metric/USA conversion. Imports Meal-Master,
compChef, MasterCook. Shareware
LABRA.ZIP Yes 18620 06-26-94
Labrador for OS/2 - Notepad package is like a
pile of little scraps of paper that you can
jot notes on. With Labrador you can find them
again - requires VROBJ.DLL.
LATEXUTL.ZIP Yes 6764 07-26-94 2 REXX (OS/2) utilities for LaTeX
LB06A.ZIP Yes 632686 08-17-94
Liberty BASIC v0.6 for OS/2! 32 bit!
THE everyman's OS/2 programming tool!!
Interactively program OS/2 PM in BASIC
Powerful, easy and fun to learn and use
LIGHT11.ZIP Yes 130186 03-26-94
OS/2 v2.1, Mmedia�LightWave MMPM/2
Multimedia Presentation Composer 1.1.
LIGPMCMD.ZIP Yes 631830 08-08-94
Lignum Pmcmd V1.0 is A Powerful Pm-Interface
to OS/2 2.X Command Shells.
LSTAT220.ZIP Yes 73414 10-02-94
LStat v2.20 - Statistics generator for
Maximus BBS systems for OS/2
MAP63.ZIP Yes 35341 08-13-94 System Information utility for OS/2 Very good
ME2_099A.ZIP Yes 385143 08-30-94
ME/2 - A PM-based editor for OS/2. MDI
interface, movable toolbar, statusbar,
dynamic menus. Integrates automatically with
MR/2 and MR/2 PM using OS/2 IPC to work in
"remote control" mode.
MEMO12.ZIP Yes 18449 08-07-94 Take memos, and other short notes in OS/2
MFILE120.ZIP Yes 129492 09-05-94
MaxFile/2 v1.20 - A text based FILES.BBS
manager for OS/2. FILE_ID.DIZ import, MORE!
MKBKOBJ.ZIP Yes 4111 09-15-94
Simple REXX script that can be used to create
program objects for .INF and other document
files easily. for OS/2
MLTMT31.ZIP Yes 844835 07-11-94
MultiMaint v3.1 - OS/2 Presentation Manager
package displays and managesINI files,
extended attributes and provides snapshots
and portable backups of the desktop.
MPM1_22A.ZIP Yes 231839 10-17-94
MaxFile/PM v1.20 - A FILES.BBS manager for
Presentation Manager under OS/2. Drag and
Drop, FILE_ID.DIZ import, archiver and
viewer functions, and much much more!
MaxFile/PM is in a class by itself for
managing FILES.BBS files from your desktop.
All BBS's using FILES.BBS file listings are
MR2_212.ZIP Yes 258888 10-09-94
MR/2 - A QWK compatible mail reader for OS/2
text-mode. w/speller & thesaurus. MORE!