You Guess It V1.01 July 5, 1994 This package contains a game I call 'You Guess It'. It is based upon interactive computer based versions of the classic 'MasterMind' game that I've played over the years. It is written entirely in REXX with the exception that it makes use of the 'MMPM/2' REXX extensions in OS/2 and the 'Panel Display System' ('PDS') ShareWare package. While this game will make use of the 'MMPM/2' REXX extensions, they are not a requirement for the game. UGUESSIT will detect the existance of 'MMPM/2', or lack thereof, and adjust its play accordingly. This game does require the 'Panel Display System' shareware package. The 'PDS' package provides the interface used by UGUESSIT to interact with the player. The UGUESSIT game itself is freeware. It was originally a DEMO for the 'PDS' package but was split into a separate package in order to reduce the size of the 'PDS' package itself. INSTALLATION: Install the PDS package first and execute its 'Installation Verification Procedure' to insure correct installation of that package. Change drive and directory to the subdirectory which contains the unzipped UGUESS.ZIP package. PLAY: UGUESSIT will think of a random 4 digit number. The player's objective is to guess the digits of this number in the correct order. The player has ten guesses at this number. The player enters 4 digits and presses the 'ENTER' key to register a guess. UGUESSIT then tests the 4 digits of the guess and displays the results. The results are displayed as the number of digits in the guess which are the correct value and the number of digits in the guess which are also in the correct position. The game ends when the player either guesses the number or runs out of guesses. FUNCTION KEYS: F1 - Displays help panels. F3 - Quits the game. ENTER - Registers a guess. Alt-S - Toggles the 'MMPM/2' sounds (if 'MMPM/2' is installed and a sound card exists). Alt-U - Toggles the game between 'Unique' and 'Not Necessarily Unique' digits. The 'Unique' form of the game insures that all 4 digits in, a number to be guessed, are unique. The 'Not Necessarily Unique' form does not prevent duplicate digits in the target number. STRATEGY: Basically, UGUESSIT is a game of deduction. The player asks questions of the game by entering carefully considered guesses which are based on the results of previous guesses. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS: UGUESSIT defaults to starting with the 'Not Necessarily Unique' mode of play and with 'MMPM/2' sounds enabled. This can be overridden with the following switchs: /shhh - No sounds please. /unique - Target guesses to use all unique digits.