?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? What if you could harness EVERY idea you EVER had? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Even those of us who think, I'll remember, forget. Thoughts enter and leave the conscious mind, perhaps never to return. When you need to remember something, when you need to capture a sudden wave of inspired thoughts, use IDEA. IDEA is an idea processor, a small but potent program that, once installed, is ready at all moments to receive your silliest or most profound cerebrations (thoughts :> ). Whether you use it to write yourself reminders, to map out a programming idea, to print out a quick note, record poetry, or to preserve a great plot-twist for that epic novel you're working on, IDEA is there to help you do all of this. When you download IDEA, copy the file IDEA.EXE to your DOS directory or any directory associated with your PATH statement. This gives you instant access to IDEA, invoking from whatever directory or drive you are in. Then, all you have to do is type IDEA. IDEA jumps right into "recording mode," letting you type in your thoughts as they occur to you. Press return after each line and continue as long as you want: there is no limitation because the data you enter will become a text file. IDEA temporarily stores the current or last-entered idea in a file called IDEA.TMP. This is a text file which you can also access, should you exit IDEA without saving your data first. When you are done entering your information, type 'x' or 'X' on a line by itself to exit "recording mode." If you want to start all over, having typed something wrong or desiring to rephrase your entry, you can enter "redo," causing IDEA to restart. The next option you are presented with is the PRINT option. You can print out what you just entered. If you want to, enter "yes" [not 'y'!]. If your printer is on and okay, your entry will be dumped to the printer. Following either a "yes" or no to the PRINT option is the SAVE MENU. You can: 1. Save your data in a new text file. 2. Append your data to a preexisting text file. 3. Exit IDEA. Entering '1' will produce a prompt requesting a filename under which you wish to save your idea text file. If you chose this option, your idea will be saved under that name, and you can continue to use this file as any other text file. Entering '2' allows you to APPEND (attach) your idea to a text document that's already present on your drive. This is very useful if you need to merge your idea with a file possibly associate with it. Make sure you provide the name of a text file. If the filename you enter is not found, a new file in that name is created. You can then treat that as any other text file. Entering '3' terminates the IDEA program. Any data you entered will temporarily reside in a file called IDEA.TMP. If you accidentally exited IDEA without saving, you can either rename IDEA.TMP to another filename, preventing it from being deleted the next time you use IDEA-- or, you can COPY idea.tmp to a new location. The IDEA.TMP file will remain in whatever directory you are in, so if you are done with it and no longer require it, you may delete it. IDEA is not only limited to "ideas," per se; you can use it as a crude but quick semi-wordprocessor, using its PRINT option to swiftly output something, possibly a note to someone or to yourself. To help you keep track of your ideas, IDEA automatically "stamps" all idea text files with the current date and time. If you are using IDEA and do not want the date or time to appear on your printer or file output, use the /ndt [no date/time] directive: idea /ndt This prevents the date and time string from being sent to the printer or your file. If you ever forget what IDEA was about type IDEA /? for a quick reminder. IDEA is shareware. If you like the problem and find it of use, please register it. I only ask for $2.00 as the registration fee for IDEA. Much work and attention goes into the smallest programs. By supporting the shareware cause, you make possible the continued development of fine programs like these for fine people as yourselves. I have included a registration form in a text file called IDEAREGI.FRM. Please print this out, complete it, and mail it with your registration fee ($2.00 U.S. currency) to: Robert J. Tiess 44a Rockwood Gardens Middletown, New York 10940 Your support will be most appreciated. Thank you for using IDEA and take care. *rjt1994*