XPRT - LaserJet Printer Utility (Shareware) Note: XPRT may now be registered via credit card from PsL in Houston, Texas. See ORDER.TXT for details. XPRT formats text for output to the HP LaserJet Family, and compatible laser printers. Some of XPRT's features are: Limited Epson (dot matrix) printer compatibility. No line shading or landscape orientation. 1. Graybar toggle - Provides shading of alternating lines of text to help delineate lines of source code. 2. Smart word wrap - Will wrap at a whitespace if possible. Maintains text indentation (source code structure). 3. Port Selection - Allow selection of LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, or a file for output. If file is chosen, it can later be typed or copied to the printer. 4. Miniature Type - Allows combining subscript, superscript, and compressed print. This lets you cram lots more on a page. 5. Menu or Command Line - Command line operation allows XPRT to be called from another program for hands-off operation. 6. Page headings: 1. Includes file name, date, and page number. 2. Also provides the FILE date and time. 3. Page numbers only. Page headings may also be turned off. 7. The current configuration of XPRT may be saved as the default. Selecting 'S' from the menu establishes new default settings. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Note vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv For use on a Local Area Network... if XPRT.EXE is write-protected for any reason, XPRT.CFG will be created in the current directory. When XPRT starts, it will attempt to open XPRT.CFG for default setup information. If the .CFG file cannot be opened, XRPT will use it's internal setup data. If XPRT.EXE is not write-protected, the setup data will be saved to the executable file. XPRT.CFG will not be created. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. If the resulting printout is 10 pages or more, XPRT will beep upon completion. This is to prevent you from having to watch the monitor for long periods of time. 9. Support for legal and A4 size paper. 10. Once registered, one need only download later versions to upgrade. There is no charge for upgrades unless mailing a disk is required. 11. Support for printing multiple copies. 12. Selection of 6, 7, 8, or 10 (in miniature mode) lines per inch. 13. Support for printing line numbers. 14. Support Odd/Even printing to allow printing on both sides of the page. This requires that the paper be flipped-over after the odd number pages have printed. XPRT will check for a printer connected to the port if an LPT is selected. It cannot, however, determine it the printer is LaserJet compatible. It must assume that the operator knows. This is unavoidable as the LaserJet provides no means of identification via software. If you experience problems viewing XPRT with a monochrome monitor, set an environment variable MONITOR equal to MONO in your autoexec.bat file. i.e. set MONITOR=MONO Command line switches can all be jammed together or separated by whitespace. Syntax: XPRT [filename] [switches] Where: filename = Name of text file to be printed, path included. switches = Optional formatting switches (see below). Command line switches: A = Compressed print. B = Elite print (if supported.) C = Pica print. D = Miniature print. Gnnn = Shade alternating lines of text. Where nnn is the width of the shading. -------------------------------------------------------- Note vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv G999 places XPRT in Epson mode. Epson mode does not provide any gray shading of lines or landscape orientation. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -------------------------------------------------------- Hn = Page heading select. If n is 0 - No heading is printed. If n is 1 - The heading contains the file name, page number, and the current date/time. If n is 2 - The file date/time is added to the heading also. If n is 3 - The header contains only the page number. Inn = Indent left margin nn spaces. Max is 25. Jn = Select pages to print. If n is 1 - Print all pages. If n is 2 - Print odd number pages only. If n is 3 - Print even number pages only. If n is 4 - Print odd then even pages. Ln = Lines per inch (6, 7, 8, or 0) 0 = 10. N = Include line numbers. Pn = Printer port selection. If n is 1 - Print to LPT1 If n is 2 - Print to LPT2 If n is 3 - Print to LPT3 If n is 4 - Print to LPT4 If n is 5 - Print to FILE Tnn = Expand tabs to nn spaces. Max is 25. Unn = Number of copies to print where nn is 1-99. W0 = Landscape (letter size.) W1 = Landscape (legal size.) W2 = Landscape (a4 size.) W3 = Portrait (letter size.) W4 = Portrait (legal size.) W5 = Portrait (a4 size.) Y = Ignore embedded formfeed character. Z = Respond to embedded formfeed character. The command line: XPRT somefile.txt G3 Will shade alternating sets of three lines. XPRT somefile.txt G100 Will shade the entire page. The command line: XPRT somefile.txt p5 Will produce an output file named 'somefile.XPR' in the current directory. If this file already exists, it will be overwritten without warning. XPRT /r will allow the user to enter the serial number that is assigned upon registration. XPRT /i Toggle 'Fast Exit'. This will allow registered copies of XPRT to exit immediately, instead of returning to the menu. XPRT /x Setup printer only. Do not reset upon exit. XPRT /? will display a list of command line switches for batch mode. XPRT [filename] will bring up the XPRT options menu. XPRT [filename] [switches] will go directly to printing. Initial Defaults: Pica, Portrait, Embedded formfeed on, Gray Bar Off, Page Header One, Indent 5, Print All Pages, LPI 6, Port LPT1, 4 Spaces/Tab, 1 Copy, line numbers off. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Newest Stuff vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Version 5.8 1. Added support for A4 size paper. This paper is widely used outside the US. 2. Repaired a minor bug in the Lines/page display. Version 5.7 1. Repaired a bug in the page header default. 2. Changed the lines-per-page to NOT include the header lines. Version 5.6 1. Repaired a bug in the display of page orientation. 2. Added selection for pages to print. Either odd number pages only, even number pages only, or all pages. This is to allow you to print both sides of the paper in book style. Version 5.5 1. Added 'Ln' (lines per inch) selection to the command line. 2. Added limited Epson (dot matrix) printer compatibility. Version 5.4 1. Added a third heading selection that includes only the page number. Version 5.3 1. Fixed bug in status display. Line Numbers was indicating 'On' when actually 'Off' and vice-versa. 2. Added /i command line switch to toggle 'Immediate Exit' mode. This will cause XPRT to exit after print without waiting for action from the user. Version 5.21 1. Removed duplex mode for LaserJet IIIsi printers. I have had trouble with this option and I do not have access to a duplex-equiped IIIsi. Version 5.2 1. Added 'Lines/Inch' and 'Line Numbers' to status box that is displayed during printing. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Distribution - XPRT may be freely distributed via BBS, CD, Internet, Pony Express, etc. The only charges allowed are those to cover distribution expenses. The latest release of XPRT may be downloaded from: Compuserve - IBMHW (IBM Hardware) and HPPER (HP Peripherals) forums. Internet - FTP oak.oakland.edu /pub/msdos/laser The author may be reached via: Mail - Paul R. Bearden North Texas Computer Solutions Box 426 / 312 N. Illinois Street Celina, TX 75009 Phone - (214) 382-2867 Compuserve - 72117,510 Internet - pbeard@netcom.com