9 files found in Library "PROG - Pascal, TP"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
DDPLUS63.ZIP No 88051 07-17-94
DDPlus63 - Door Driver Routines for Borland
Pascal 7.0 - Complete with Socumentation and
samples on how to make door programs using
Turbo Pascal. Supports most BBS types.
GFXFX.ZIP Yes 147108 06-22-94
Pascal source code to various graphics
HELPGEN1.ZIP Yes 9365 09-30-94
Pre-Processor for the Borland PASCAL
Help Compiler.
JPDOOR41.ZIP Yes 311915 08-10-94
JPDoor V4.1 Door Writing Toolkit for Turbo
Pascal 5.5/6.0/7.0 Supports RA, QBBS,
SuperBBS, ProBoard, and any BBS that can
create a dorinfo1.def or Door.Sys file.
Contains EVERYTHING you need to write a door,
from Beginner to Advanced!
PASFONE.ZIP Yes 4186 07-29-94
This Turbo Pascal unit accepts user input to
dial Hayes compatible modems. The phone
number may be numeric or alpha (acronyms) or
a mix of both. Bios interrupt $14 is used
PCL4P42.ZIP Yes 67790 09-16-94
Personal Communications Lib for Pascal v4.2
Asynch communications library supporting
COM1-COM16 to 115200 baud, 4+ ports concur,
RTS/CTS flow control. Much more.
TAGD100S.ZIP Yes 13274 10-04-94 TAG bbs developer's kit, Pascal sample code