43 files found in Library "Sound Pgm & Files"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ACDC200.ZIP No 45531 03-24-94
Audio Compact Disc (CD) controller v2.00 A
resident audio CD player for dos. With full
background control, play your favorite tracks
while running almost any other program
ALBT161.ZIP Yes 379435 10-04-94 ALBATROS CD Player v1.61+hitech from Germany
ANM21.ZIP Yes 199953 08-18-94
AniMagician v2.1 Now add a soundtrack to
your FLI animations. Fully functionalware
all features are enabled in ANM21.
BMSTR61.ZIP Yes 291534 08-18-94
Blaster Master v6.1 - Best VOC file editor
for the Sound Blaster. Many Special FX:
Echo, Fade, Reverse, Mix, Remove Vocals,
Stereo Panning, Change Sample Rate, Looping,
and much more! New tutorial file included.
BMSTR62.ZIP Yes 291631 10-07-94
BLASTER Master v6.2 The best VOC file editor
for the Sound Blaster. Many Special FX:
Echo, Fade, Reverse, Mix, Remove Vocals,
Stereo Panning, Change Sample Rate, Looping,
and much more! New tutorial file included.
CDM32.ZIP Yes 97542 10-07-94
Compact Disc MASTER v3.2 - full featured,
DOS based controller for playing audio CDs
on most CDROM drives. Special features are
included for the SB Pro, SB16 and PAS-16.
Shareware. Written by Gary Maddox
CONVERT2.ZIP Yes 91323 07-20-94
Convert v1.2B Jesus Villena Music Program
-Instruments: PAT,GKH,ED?,EF?,TXW,SDK,KRZ
-Modules : MOD,MTM,S3M,ULT,FAR,669,DMF
CVRSHOLI.ZIP Yes 1065758 09-17-94
Intro Demo 2nd place as ASM '94 contest
VGA, 4MB, 386 required GUS, 486 recommended96
DMPC230.ZIP Yes 77720 07-18-94
Dual Module Player Companion v2.30 Front end
for DMP and almost any other music player.
Reads inside almost all archives incl UC2
DSOND131.ZIP Yes 25689 03-06-94
Dsound V1.31 - Plays 8svx Samples Directly
From hard drive.
FB100B_M.ZIP Yes 52462 08-10-94
FairPlay v1.00b - MOD player w/640x480x16 GUI
ECHO, REVERB and Chorus on GUS - All SBs too
GLDWAV21.ZIP Yes 281181 08-12-94
GoldWave V2.10. A full 16-bit stereo
sound editor, player & recorder for Windows
GREENDAY.ZIP Yes 116311 08-06-94
Krow presents BASKET CASE by Green Day - with
MusicDisk Player v1.1 - Also includes a
preview of Sojourn. In S3M format
GSCOPE07.ZIP Yes 18147 06-05-94
VU meter and Spectrum Analyzer for your
Gravis Ultrasound.
GUSDELAY.ZIP Yes 60243 05-06-94
GusDelay v1.0 is a program that transforms
your Gravis UltraSound into an extremely
powerful yet easy to use digital delay system
GUSUTILS.ZIP Yes 52637 02-09-94
Gravis UltraSound Utilities By MESS Computer
Services V.O.F.
JMP_ASM.ZIP Yes 31230 08-06-94 JAKE'S MODPLAYER released at Assembly94
M4W210SX.ZIP Yes 1211600 09-30-94
Mod4Win V2.10 This is a player for digital
music modules on IBM-PC under Windows
Supports nst, .mod, .wow, .okt, .stm, S3M
FAR, 669, and .mtm up to 32 channels.
20-50% faster than version 2.00.
ME404.ZIP Yes 430623 04-28-94
MUSICEASE v4.04 - A music score editor
which lets you create, edit, print, and play
music notation. MusicEase provides a WYSIWYG
screen oriented editor; lets you see on your
computer screen the musical score exactly as
it will be printed. Incorporates MIDI input
and output facilities. DOS based. Awesome!
MIDINFO.ZIP Yes 3592 07-22-94
This file contains detailed information
about the usage of GenMIDI instruments
by the songs in DOOM. (With additional
info relevant to the GUS.)
MOD_CD.ZIP Yes 651261 09-11-94
MOD music player and sample files.
Also how to place YOUR data on CD-ROM
MORGL100.ZIP Yes 101502 07-30-94
Morgul 1.00, DSMI based modplayer Not just
another simple DMP clone!
StereoCovox,Aria,SB16,AudioTrix,EMS Plays
MOD/MTM/FAR/S3M/669/AMF/STM Has a very
convenient file system with tagging
MPCD10.ZIP Yes 218407 02-26-94
MicroPlayerCD(tm) V1.03 -Shareware Audio
CDPlayer for Windows. It features a fully re-
sizable control panel that can be very small
and stay on top of other windows, a full-
featured Disc Catalog database, volume,
MT32GS12.ZIP Yes 38514 07-23-94
MT32GS VERSION 1.1 New Version Allows a
Roland MT-32, LAPC-1 and CM-32 and CM-64 to
emulate a General MIDI device Use with games
that support the General MIDI standard only
(DOOM for example) and enhance Windows MIDI
support with the Roland L/A synt modules.
NEJILIAN.ZIP Yes 377586 06-26-94
NEJILIAN FLUX by A-J Games w/Sound Blaster
sound effects you won't believe! SVGA/VGA
PASPECT.ZIP Yes 127502 07-15-94
Normal, Inverse, 3D Grid Plot, Voice
Analyzer, B/C/T, Raw Sinus Supports Pro Audio
16 Soundcards Requires 486, pref coprosessor.
PHONSW.ZIP Yes 167746 05-05-94
Phonos-The Digital SoundShop - lets you use
your computer as a digital recording studio.
You can record in 8-bit mono, mix other
prerecorded selections, adjust volume, add
echo/reverb, and much more. Requires WIN31,
QBCMFV20.ZIP Yes 46537 02-16-94
This is a great utility to play CMF type
music with Quick Basic 4.5 via your Sound
Blaster card. Includes examples with source.
RMP120.ZIP Yes 56962 08-29-94
Music Player Version: 1.20 Release Date
8/29/94 Formats: MOD/MTM/S3M Supported
Hardware: GUS/SB/SBPro/SB16/PAS/PAS16
AudioTrix Pro/WSS Requires: 386 or Higher
SBOOM101.ZIP Yes 71811 06-27-94
Sonic Boom v1.01: music making pgm for the
SoundBlaster card that can take real sampled
sounds & play them back at different
frequencies thru 8 channels; you can mix
trumpets, pianos, drums, or any sound you can
produce, together into a musical song.
SBTIMBRE.ZIP Yes 113687 02-02-94
SBTimbre v3.50. Create and modify instrument
sounds for Soundblaster and Adlib FM
compatible sound cards. Sounds can be
auditioned with the use of a MIDI instrument
or by selecting prerecorded sounds.
SNDST201.ZIP Yes 49173 08-20-94
SNDSTATE v2.01 - save and restore ALL the
states of the Proaudio Spectrum 16 sound card
For 286+ and PAS16 card, logitech Soundman,
Fusion16 kit, or a SoundBlaster PRO.
SPEKPLAY.ZIP Yes 134857 10-05-94
NEW! SPKPLAY 7.11 Plays MODs thru PC SPKR
/SoundBlaster - Smart Return, Cool colors,
Volume Controls, Sound Toggles. Much MORE
SPKPLAY8.ZIP Yes 106653 09-01-94
NEW! SPeaKPLAY 8 plAys MoDs thrU PC SPeaKeR
or SoundBlaster - Smart Return, Cool colors,
Volume Controls, Sound Toggles. Large MODs
STRONKEN.ZIP Yes 763763 08-02-94
PoSt MoRtEm's Multimedia DEMO for Assembly'94
SB / SBpro / GUS! 386+
THEGRIND.ZIP Yes 1158891 08-17-94
GRIND -- an incredible new MODplayer that
displays people dancing perfectly in time to
the music! Supports MOD STM S3M MTM 669 FAT
song modules; 8-bit and 16-bit cards and GUS
TNLVSN.ZIP Yes 56307 06-27-94
Tonal Vision - shows sound file or sound card
input as a spectrum display on a musical
staff. You can also change the amount of
energy in a particular frequency.
TUNER101.ZIP Yes 90517 04-27-94
Creates reference tones for tuning various
musical instruments such as guitar, banjo,
violin and mandolin. There is also a large
selection of scales available. This program
works with Sound Blaster or the PC speaker.38
ULTRA05D.ZIP Yes 43832 08-30-94
Ultra05d.zip - v 0.5d of "The Manley GUS"
Robert J. Manley's Gravis Ultrasound MMPM
drivers ADVANCED!
VPED105.ZIP Yes 185621 05-29-94 Voice pile-up trainer V1.05 by JE3MAS.
WINSTROB.ZIP Yes 332710 08-19-94
"WinStrobe!" turns your windows screen into
a fully functional, adjustable Strobe Light