NUMWORDS by Robert J. Tiess (C)opyright 1994 NUMWORDS is a simple but effective word-counting utility that words with any of your ASCII files. For the sake of demonstrating the precision of NUMWORDS, I have included three sample text files: TESTNW1.TXT TESTNW2.TXT TESTNW3.TXT Have all three scanned by numwords by the simple commands, numwords testnw1.txt numwords testnw2.txt numwords testnw3.txt The repspective results will be: 1000 words read. 2000 words read. 5000 words read. Thank you for using NUMWORDS. If you like it and use it even just a few times, please register it--all I ask is $1.00. In return, you will be able to use NUMWORDS beyond the evaluation period of a month. To help you register, I have prepared a registration form and have stored this form in a file called NUMWORDS.REG. Please print this out, complete the form, and mail it with your registration fee to: Robert J. Tiess 44a Rockwood Gardens Middletown, New York 10940 Thank you for your support. Take care and enjoy the program. *rjt1994*