EZ-ARCHIE V1e August 13, 1994 Copyright 1994 Russ Adams Version 1e differs from 1d in that the program will run regardless of the path structure of your installation of Prowin. EZ-ARCHIE includes the following files: adams.dll, ezarch1e.wax, ncftp1e.wax, archie.lst, readme1e.txt This macro set is designed to run under Procomm+ for Windows version 1.x. It is distributed as shareware and is not free. If you like the software, please send $15 to: Adams Communications 2101 Crystal Plaza, Suite 203 Arlington, VA 22202 You are welcomed to share the program with others so long as all of the files listed above, including this readme file, are distributed together with no modifications. The purpose of this program is to enable a novice Internet user to do archie searches and retrieve files found from the search. The program assumes that the user has a UNIX shell account, and that both an archie client and ncftp programs are available. This program DOES NOT NEED A SLIP OR PPP CONNECTION. You too can do expert archie searches without needing to know all the archie commands. The user can perform all functions with a click of a mouse button. The search dialog box allows the user to enter a search term, and select the type of search (exactly as typed, contains word, wild card). Choosing wild card allows you to use *, ? as you would use then under DOS. It also allows you to use '.'(period) as you would use it in a file name. These wild card symbols have different meanings under UNIX, and this program automatically converts them to the correct commands. The search dialog box also allows choosing an archie site to search. The list of public archie servers is stored in the text file archie.lst. You can use a text editor to add or delete sites. Once the search is completed, a dialog box will appear that list the search results. You can select the file or directory of interest by double-clicking on it. If it's a file, it will automatically be retrieved. If it is a directory, the program will ftp to the site and list the directory's contents. If you double-click on a file, it will automatically be retrieved. If you double-click on a directory, the program will change to the selected directory and display its contents. The dialog box also has a button to go up one directory. Clicking the "Cancel" button will move one dialog up the chain. The program is designed to automatically sense the shell prompt, and should function properly regardless of prompt style. Please e-mail comments and bug reports to russadam@access.digex.com or Compuserve 73042,1050.