Info Bar Version 1.1 Copyright (C) 1994 by Jan S. Smith Info Bar requires WINDOWS 3.1 and VBRUN300.DLL. Info Bar, Version 1.1, includes the following files: 1. INFOBAR.EXE 7. QPLIST.VBX 2. INFOBAR.INI 8. QPRO200.DLL 3. CSCMD.VBX 9. THREED.VBX 4. CSPICTUR.VBX 10. INFOBAR.WRI 5. GRID.VBX 11. README.TXT 6. MSMASKED.VBX 12. SSERIFE.FON Additional files required are: 1. TOOLHELP.DLL 2. SHELL.DLL 3. VBRUN300.DLL Note: TOOLHELP.DLL and SHELL.DLL should be in your windows\system directory (they are Windows 3.1 files). VBRUN300.DLL can be obtained from CompuServe or America Online and should also be in your windows\system directory. To run Info Bar: Note: Since InfoBar.exe creates a bunch of files as it is used, I recommend that it be placed in its own directory (such as c:\infobar). After unzipping the files . . . 1. Copy or move INFOBAR.EXE to any directory you choose. 2. Copy or move INFOBAR.INI to your windows directory. 3. If you do not have the MS Sans Serif Font installed on your system, copy or move SSERIFE.FON to your windows\system directory and use the Windows Control Panel to add it. 4. Copy or move CSCMD.VBX, CSPICTUR.VBX, GRID.VBX, MSMASKED.VBX, QPLIST.VBX, QPRO200.DLL and THREED.VBX to your windows\system directory. 5. Check to make sure TOOLHELP.DLL, SHELL.DLL and VBRUN300.DLL are in your windows\system directory. Run INFOBAR.EXE as you would any other application, e.g. by double-clicking from file manager, using the Run option in the Program Manager menu, by creating a Program Manager icon, etc. License / Warranty Disclaimer Info Bar, Version 1.1, is shareware. You are free to use it for evaluation purposes for 30 days. After that, if you like the program please register it by sending $10.00 to Jan S. Smith 903 Cornfield Dr. Arlington, TX 76017 and I will send you a registration number by return mail. (Please let me know that you are registering Version 1.1.) A valid registration number grants you a license to use one copy of Info Bar on a single computer. You may not network the program or otherwise use it on more than one computer or computer terminal at the same time. You may freely distribute the shareware version of Info Bar, Version 1.1, provided that all of the original files are included, that all of the original files are unmodified, that no fee is charged, and that a valid registration number is NOT included (please check Infobar.ini (the one you distribute) and, if necessary, use a text editor to replace the registration number with X's). NO WARRANTY. USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABLILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA. Thank you for trying Info Bar . . . Jan S. Smith CompuServe 75040,230 AOL JANS165322 Prodigy VCGE59A