Version 1.6 - Windows 3.1 can now run multiple instances of LView Pro. Version 1.5 limited execution to a single instance of the software - Bug fixes . Fixed a display problem that caused GPFs when using certain graphics cards/drivers Version 1.5 - New features/commands added to the File/Multiple Open dialog . Color preview of files in both listboxes: . Optionally, previews JPEG files in grayscale, for added speed . Previewing can be turned on/off . Double clicking on a file at the left list box will add it to the list box on the right . Double clicking on a file at the right list box will remove it from that box - Retouch/Image Filters is now also available for Palette based images - New dialog Options/Macro retouch (or CONTROL+'M') . Allows the definition of "macro retouch operations", selection and optional execution of the current macro operation . Macro retouch operations may execute up to 8 individual retouch operations (from the Retouch menu) in sequence. The currently selected macro retouch operation may be executed from within the Options/Macro retouch dialog, or by using the CONTROL+'K' accelerator . Individual retouch operations in a macro retouch definition are parametrized using integer values corresponding to those in the scrollbar(s) shown in their own dialogs. For instance, a Macro retouch may define the execution of the Retouch/Color balance operation, with parameters: 20, -10, 0, to increase Red by 20, decrease Green by 10 and keep Blue unchanged . Macro retouch operations are usefull when editing a sequence of images which share the same characteristics (all are too dark, or too bright, or need contrast enhancement, etc.). After editing the first image in the sequence, the user may set a Macro retouch operation to perform the same editing operations in the subsequent images, and execute that with a single keystroke . Undoing a Macro retouch operation will undo all operations performed by it - Legends added to ToolBar buttons . Position the mouse pointer over an enabled ToolBar button for a short while, and a text legend will be displayed to explain the function of that button . New interface option at Options/Interface: "Show ToolBar legends", allows the user to enable/disable ToolBar legend automatic display. The default is enabled (checked) - Edit/Resize now has scrollbars to allow for aspect ratio specification - Bug fixes . Edit/Redimension would ignore the new height when a new width was specified (and vice-versa) Version 1.4 - Overall improvement in performance for JPEG decompression - Options/JPEG I/O dialog . Added "1-pass Quantizing" option . Added "Fast dithering" option - Bug fixes . Printing would not be done in Landscape orientation Version 1.3 - Bug fixes . Printing would sometimes fail to center/size images . A subset of GIF files were not being recognized . Edit/Redimension would reduce new dimensions by 1 pixel . Edit/Paste would not work for 16 color bitmaps . Scrolling presented problems in some display drivers