Thanks for trying the shareware version of POPOUT-LITE . At the suggestion of several organizations, we've split the POPOUT product line into a POPOUT-LITE and a POPOUT-PRO. POPOUT-LITE is designed specifically for the everyday user who wants to create Random Dot Stereogram images from images that he or she has hand drawn using Paintbrush or something similar. The registered version will generate Black & White, Random or Custom colored images with up to 16 levels of depth. POPOUT-PRO, on the other hand, was designed for users who want all of the capabilities of POPOUT-LITE, plus the ability to generate print-quality images. POPOUT-PRO will generate up to 256 levels of depth, can read and write Targa formatted images, and has the ability to create Dual-Image stereograms. POPOUT-PRO has a number of additional options, such as the ability to filter Targa Source images, and create either the common Divergent or the less common Convergent type of stereoscopic images. More of the features of POPOUT-PRO can be found in the help file. Because POPOUT-LITE is being distributed via a number of channels, there may not be an installation utility on this diskette or in this file. If there is, it is called INSTALL.EXE. From withing the Windows' Program Manager, click on 'File', then click on 'Run'. Type the command A:\INSTALL. This diskette contains the following files: README.TXT - This file. INSTALL.EXE - The POPOUT Install utility. INSTALL.INF - The POPOUT Install Information file. POPLITE.EXE - POPOUT-LITE executable POPLITE.HLP - POPOUT-LITE Help File POPOUT.PAL - This is a Paintbrush palette file, used to redefine the Paintbrush palette to use POPOUT-LITE colors. EXAMPI1.BMP - Sample Source Image created using Paintbrush, and used to create the EXAMPO?.BMP files. EXAMPO1.BMP - Sample RDS Image in Black & White created by the shareware version of POPOUT-LITE. EXAMPO2.BMP - Sample RDS Image in Random Colors created with the registered version of POPOUT-LITE, with bias placed on green. EXAMPO3.BMP - Sample Custom Color RDS Image created with the registered version of POPOUT-LITE. EXAMPO4.BMP - Sample Dual-Image stereogram created with the registered version of POPOUT-PRO. COLORS.POC - This is a sample color file used for creating EXAMPO3.BMP. It was created by pressing the colors "LtBlue, LtCyan, LtGreen, LtYellow, LtRed". USFLAG.POC - This is another example of a color file, created using the colors "LtRed, White, LtBlue". POPOUT.INI - Init file used to set POPOUT-LITE defaults. Let us know if you have any problems, suggestions, or feedback. If you've got any ideas for possible future versions, let us know. Thanks. Bob Hankinson & Gary Peterson You can write to us at: POPOUT P.O. Box 50632 Dallas, Tx 75250 or by email: internet: compuserve: 73144,1046 aol: BHankinson