Save Desk Top, version 1.0, Copyright (c) 1994, Marvin E. Wilborne III Save Desk Top is a handy Windows utility that takes a snap shot of all the currently running program's screen positions and remembers them. When told to RESET the positions, any programs that are still running from the original snap shot get put back where they were if they were moved. If one of the programs in the original snap shot has been exited, the RESET operation ignores it and repositions the rest of the programs. This is handy when you accidently drag a program or it's borders and move it from where you wanted it to stay. This program is ShareWare and can be registered for $2.00 (US). When registering please indicate where you got the program. Send your registration to: Marvin E. Wilborne III Rt 5 Box 1476, #5 Danville, VA 24540 Installation: Copy the files THREED.VBX, CMDIALOG.VBX and COMMDLG.DLL to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory if they are newer (check the file date and time) than any currently existing version of these files. Advanced Operation: You can invoke Save Desk Top with /F:file_name and Save Desk Top will start up restore any Windows to their positions previously saved in file_name and exit. You can invoke Save Desk Top with /S to start up and take a snap shot of the currently running program's positions. If you pass a file name with /F: then the program will start up, take a snap shot, save the settings in the specified file and exit. This is handy if you want to have a couple of icons in your program manager, one to take the snap shot and save it, and the other to restore it. Icon positions are not included by default. However, they can be included with the +I option. This feature doesn't work well and I don't normally use it since I don't normally mess up my icons on my Desk Top. Basically Iconized windows don't get moved to their original location. They get sized to normal and then reiconized. This lines them up correctly at the bottom of your window, but they may not be in the same order they were in originally. Hidden windows are not included by default. Hidden windows can be included with the +H command line option. Windows that are Maximized are included by default. You can ignore these windows by putting -M on the command line. Miscellaneous: Save Desk Top remembers where you place it on your desk top in the file WINAPP.INI in your Windows directory.