Installation Instructions: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install this shareware version of Visual Folders: 1. To run Visual Folders, you must have at least one OLE 2.0 application installed on your computer. To check if you do, see if the file "OLE2.DLL" is in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If it is, then your ready to follow steps 2-8 below. If the file is not there, then you must contact us via CompuServe Mail (76114,1615 or for Internet) or by regular mail (624 West University Dr., Rochester, MI 48307) to obtain a Visual Folders setup disk. This disk, which includes the OLE2 files, is simply to large for most people to spend time downloading (that is why we didn't include it, since most users have OLE2 apps like Word 6.0 installed). 2. Create a directory on your hard disk called C:\VFOLDERS. 3. Using PKUNZIP, unzip all the files into the C:\VFOLDERS directory. 4 Open the Program Manager group where you want to put Visual Folders. 5. From the Program Manager select FILE/New/Program Item and press OK. 6. Enter a description, the command line (C:\VFOLDERS\VFOLDERS.EXE) and the working directory (C:\VFOLDERS). 7. Press OK to finish. 8. Double click the Visual Folders Icon to start. Starting Visual Folders automatically: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can have Visual Folders start each time Windows starts by simply adding Visual Folders to the Windows StartUp group: 1. Open the Visual Folders Program Manager group. 2. Open the StartUp Program Manager group. Note: Both the Visual Folders and StartUp groups must be visible. 3. Drag the Visual Folders icon over the StartUp group window and drop it. Note: Hold down the CTRL key to only copy the icon. It's as easy as that!