This is the sixth ALPHA version (V0.6) of a windows based archie client. The major changes from the previous release are as follows: 1. Addition of a save command to the File Menu. This will prompt for a file name and then create a text file listing the query results. The format is similar to that of the listing obtained when using archie servers. 2. WSARCHIE now binds to a specific non privileged port (in the range 2050 - 2069, chosen to avoid conflict with the port normally used for NFS 2049). If you have problems ==================== Do please tell me of any problems via email ( I'm currently working full time on a 9 month contract so I have less time to spend on this than previously. As a result I may not get back to you straight away, but I will do my best. David Woakes ( Credits: This archie client is based upon the archie client that is included in the Prospero V5.2a release. It was written by Clifford Neuman with changes by Brendan Kehoe and George Ferguson. Installation. ============= This instructions assume that you have some form of WINSOCK installed and working and that you are using Windows 3.1. I use Peter Tattam's Trumpet Winsock. It's shareware and has SLIP built in and can be found at the follwing sites: I mention this winsock as it is the only one that I've tried this with and it might not work with others, although theorectically it should. 1. Unzip in a directory by itself. There should be three files altogether: wsarchie.exe - this is the program itself. wsarchie.hlp - this is wsarchie's windows help file. This should probably reside in the same directory as wsarchie.exe. wsarchie.ini - contains the list of archie servers, and user preference settings. This file can be left in wsarchie's working directory or placed in c:\windows. wsarch06.txt - this file 2. Use the FTP Setup command in the Options menu to setup the command line for the FTP client. This is a non essential step, but is useful. That's it. As long as wsarchie.ini is in wsarchie.exe's working directory everything should go swimmingly. You can add an icon in a program manager group in the usual fashion (ie drag wsarchie.exe from the file manager to the desired group, or use {file, new} from the program manager menu). The icon is derived from the Winsock icon. To use, enter your search term in the "Search for" field, and then press return, or select the Search button. If things go successfully then you should see the title bar change informing you of packets being recieved. When complete the results will be displayed in the host, directories and files list boxes. Full details of the selected file will be displayed below. Note some archie servers seem to give fewer details than others. To change the default Archie server use the Option Menu command User Preferences. A dialog will be displayed, currently this allows default archie client and default search type to be set. The domain box can be used to limit the sites that the Archie Server will consider during it's search. Good Luck David Woakes (