29 files found in Library "Word Processing"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
BESTH150.ZIP No 214879 08-07-94
basic vocabulary of 16,520 x 185 rel.
Words/entry (avg.). Two vocabulary modules
($10 each) expand to 28,635 entries x 210
rel. Words per entry 6,013,350(!)-word
thesaurus (20 heavy volumes in book form)!
Rqr. 47K of RAM. Loadable into high memory.
Usable from within the wordprocessor or as a
stand alone application. Reg. $25/35.
DBSWP1.ZIP Yes 57943 10-11-94
DBSCAN for WordPerfect v1.0 Mail-merge
for WordPerfect 5.1 users. It reads standard
Dbase III compatible database files and
merges the selected fields into a primary
merge file (a "Form") within WordPerfect.
DOCSDB.ZIP Yes 376876 08-25-94
DocsDB for Word 6.0s Document Manager for
Word for Windows.
EW75.ZIP Yes 751889 07-19-94
EASY WORD V 7.5 Easy word processor w/
spell-checker, line drawing, macros and
inbuilt backup system.
EW76.ZIP Yes 724703 10-03-94
EASY WORD V 7.6 ASP Word Proccessor - Easy to
use Word Processor which includes
spell-checker, line drawing, macros and
inbuilt backup system. Good printing options
FMANJR11.ZIP Yes 59484 10-10-94
File manager for Word for Windows 6.0.-
A time-saving utility that lets you perform
more than a dozen file-management operations
without switching to Windows File Manager.
GS301DOS.ZIP Yes 824486 08-22-94
Ghostscript v3.01 for DOS [Postscript clone
from Alladin Software]
GS301FN1.ZIP Yes 1365916 08-22-94 Ghostscript v3.01 font files 1
GS301FN2.ZIP Yes 741137 08-22-94 Ghostscript v3.01 font files 2
GS301INI.ZIP Yes 411256 08-22-94 Ghostscript v3.01 BAT and ini files
GS301OS2.ZIP Yes 335026 08-18-94 Ghostscript v3.01 for OS/2
GS301SR1.ZIP Yes 1414891 08-22-94 Ghostscript v3.01 source vol 1
GS301SR2.ZIP Yes 419555 08-22-94 Ghostscript v3.01 source vol 2
GS301SR3.ZIP Yes 555485 08-22-94 Ghostscript v3.01 source 3
GS301SR4.ZIP Yes 15099 08-22-94 Ghostscript v3.01 source vol 3
GS301W32.ZIP Yes 313285 08-18-94 Ghostscript v3.01 for WIN32
GS301WIN.ZIP Yes 383410 08-22-94 Ghostscript v3.01 for Windows 3.1
K_FUN.ZIP Yes 557195 08-03-94
Kanji for Fun! & Kanji Writer! Copyright
Japanese Language
Complete Installation Procedure Contains
entire grade 1 kanji set 80 Kanji True-Type
character fonts Context-sensitive on-line
help Print kanji study sheets, sound
support, and more...
P6SHR.ZIP Yes 496996 09-21-94
PRIME 6 Add-In for WinWord 6.0 -
PRIME 6 is a powerful collection of
utilities of WinWord 6.0. Prime includes
Fast Spell Check, Bookmark Manager, FileNew,
Zoomer, Window Manager and much more. From
PRIME Consulting Group, Inc. distributed by
PWORDS18.ZIP Yes 261522 08-04-94
POWER WORDS, Version 1.8 Over 5000 incisive
and humorous quotes, aphorisms, witticisms
and quips by by an author in Australia.
SHRSPL30.ZIP Yes 237090 07-08-94
SHARESPELL V3.0 Sharespell is an excellent AS
spelling checker. 80,000 word+common-usage
dictionary can b augmented with the users own
selection of words. Requirements: 250K RAM
SPELLCHK.ZIP Yes 250431 01-29-94
SpellChk v2.0. Spell checker which accepts
text from the clipboard or a text file.
Monitors text as it is being entered. A
50,000 word dictionary is included. Windows.
STARWRIT.ZIP Yes 2201509 02-08-94 Starwriter 6.0 by Pavilion software
VIEW97.ZIP Yes 71232 10-09-94
VIEW 9.7 - VIEWER for WordPerfect
5.0-6.0, Word 4-5, WinWord 1-6, Win Write,
Notepad, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Windows clip-
board, ASCII, ANSI. Text search, print
functions, etc. Direct link to JETCOL,
2COL and HLP2DOC. Convert and print files
directly. Ideal for DOS and Windows shells
WORDF311.ZIP Yes 1101778 07-26-94
Word Fugue Word Processor v3.1 ASP Industrial
strength word processor. Multiple file
editing, pull down menus, macros, context
sensitive help, tables, columns, newspaper
columns, footnotes, endnotes, table of
contents, indexes, laser, postscript, merge
WUNBAR47.ZIP Yes 89124 06-13-94
WonderBar v4.7 ASP - a TSR (memory-resident)
program which lets you print POSTNET bar
codes wherever you want them: on mailing
labels, letters, envelopes, etc. WonderBar
works with whatever word processor, mailing
list, or database program you already use.
WW3.ZIP Yes 308580 09-10-94
Wordware v3.0: The hottest collection of over
55 macros and tyemplates. Everything from
copying a file, to managing your projects to
managing your business contacts. A full-
fledged PIM and a full-function CD Player are
included. Has a Multimedia Player which will
play all multimedia files, a quick command
line, Windows Exit/Restart/Reboot Computer,
Lock, Close All and Exit, Print Summary Info
WinFax Macros AND SO MUCH MORE! Hot!