11 files found in Library "KBBS Software"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
KBBS20S1.ZIP No 237776 08-31-94
KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00S. File 1 of 4 -AWC-THE
BEST UPDATE YET. The last Phase 1.
Advanced ANSI and RIP graphics
KBBS20S2.ZIP Yes 243334 08-31-94 KBBS/Shareware v2.00S File 2 of 4
KBBS20S3.ZIP Yes 244446 08-31-94
KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00S. File 3 of 4 -This is
the most customizable BBS: - you define what
you want on the call waiting/status screens -
you define the sysop control keys - you can
structure the BBS any way you want -THE
KBBS20S4.ZIP Yes 240403 08-31-94
KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00S. File 4 of 4 -Note that
until you register this shareware version: -
Maximum of 3 nodes allowed - NO MORE USER
LIMIT - a pause message at login Registration
is only $129 for everything! NOW only $80
KBBS20T1.ZIP Yes 236062 09-24-94
KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00T. File 1 of 4 -The Final
2.00 version of KBBS! -TOO many features to
list here: - Local RIP console, - VERY
Advanced ANSI and RIP graphics - etc
KBBS20T2.ZIP Yes 278148 09-24-94 KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00T. File 2 of 4 - BBS
KBBS20T3.ZIP Yes 278104 09-24-94 KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00T. File 3 of 4 - BBS
KBBS20T4.ZIP Yes 274640 09-24-94 KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00T. File 4 of 4 - BBS
KBBSTODO.ZIP Yes 10357 08-02-94
The Famous KBBS TODO List -Enclosed is a list
of features and fixes that will be included
in the next two versions that should be
released in August.