CONFList Conference Lister WC 4.x Randy Chalupka 28 August 1998 1. What is it? Conference Lister does just what is says. It will make a listing of all your conferences showing the conference area number, the conference name (in Makewild) along with the message path. It has the option to either send the list to the screen or to a file. It is meant to be used by the SYSOP to get a quick list of all the conferences. 2. How do I use it? a. Easy, just put CONFLIST.WCX wherever you want it. b. Use Makemenu to add a "run wcCODE program" option to one of your menus (I use the SYSOP menu) and use F2 to find CONFLIST.WCX. c. Save and your finished. d. Log on and run it. 3. Also look for FILELIST.WCX which will do the same thing for your file areas. 4. That's it. Hope you find this utility useful. If you want to contact me, my current FIDONET address is 1:3632/64. Please verify this address in the current nodelist. 5. If you do find this utility useful and would like to make a contribution (gives me a reason to write some more) please mail your contribution to: Randy Chalupka POB 42 Oxford, MA 01540 6. Guarantee/Warranty: This utility will take up space on whichever storage medium you decide to put it on. Use at your own risk.