Logon.WCX made by Michael Deig Bufkin Ridge Ranch (812)838-9053 First let me say that I know that this will work on my BBS. I will not guarantee that it will work on yours. Ok to install this Logon.WCX you will need to have this setup on your board. 1) The Sysop will need to have a Security Level name SYSOP This will tell the script to do a fast logon for the Sysop just like Wildcat! 3.x. Also the Sysop will always do a fast logon with this script and it will check for new mail. 2) You will need a Secondary Security Level called UUCP This is setup so callers can use the UUCP transfer of their mail. For more Information Please read you WcGate book. 3) You will need a Secondary Security Level called MAIL This will let any user that does a fast logon to go to the WcMail program. If you have given that user a Secondary Security level of MAIL 4) Then copy LOGON.WCX to your home directory ( Mine is W:\Wildcat). And that is all there is to it. Here it what this script will do for you and your users. 1) Sysop It will check the security level for Sysop. If it finds Sysop it will log you like the old Wildcat! 3.x. This is for the local sysop [S], local logons, And Calling Sysops. Then it will check to see if you have any new mail. 2) Users If a user does not use the fast logon it will be the same as the old way. If the user does a fast logon it will check and see if they have any new mail before they go to the main menu. 3) WcMail and UUCP Users If the user does not use the fast logon it will be the same as before. If they do use the fast logon AND you have given them a secondary security level of MAIL or UUCP then it will send them to the right mail program that they need to use. * Remember to only give UUCP mail users the secondary level of UUCP! I did not send you the codes but if you would like them then send $5.00 to Bufkin Ridge Ranch and I will mail you the code. This will also take my name off of the logon script for the sysop. Michael Deig - Sysop Send money to Bufkin Ridge Ranch 4412 E. Blackford Rd. Mt. Vernon, In 47620 Please tell me if you would like it on 5.25 or 3.5 disk.