Set Conference v1.0 for WC4.x by Randy Chalupka 14 August 1994 1. What is it? Set Conference is a WCCODE program that will set the callers last conference to whichever conference you want when the caller exits Wildcat. 2. Installation A. If you DO NOT have a POSTCALL.WCX file: Put S-CONF.WCX, S-CONF.CFG and POSTCALL.WCX in your Wildcat home directory. Edit the S-CONF.CFG file to show which conference number you want to be set as the users last conference. Supported conference numbers are 0-32767. The only thing in S-CONF.CFG should be the conference number. B. If you DO have a POSTCALL.WCX file (and you have WCCODE): Put S-CONF.WCX and S-CONF.CFG in your Wildcat home directory. Edit the S-CONF.CFG file to show which conference number you want to be set as the users last conference. Supported conference numbers are 0-32767. The only thing in S-CONF.CFG should be the conference number. Load up your POSTCALL.WCC in WCCODE and add this line to it: RUN "S-CONF.WCX" Re-compile it and make sure the new POSTCALL.WCX is in your Wildcat home directory. C. If you DO have a POSTCALL.WCX file (and you DO NOT have WCCODE): This means that someone else made your POSTCALL.WCX file. If you have thePOSTCALL.WCC file for your POSTCALL.WCX, have a friend with WCCODE do step B for you.Otherwise, you can replace your POSTCALL.WCX with the one included (and lose whatever function your current POSTCALL.WCX performs) or you will not be able to run this program. 3. That's it. Hope you find this utility useful. If you want to contact me, my current FIDONET address is 1:3632/64. Please verify this address in the current nodelist. 4. If you do find this utility useful and would like to make a contribution (gives me a reason to write some more) please mail your contribution to: Randy Chalupka POB 42 Oxford, MA 01540 5. Guarantee/Warranty: This utility will take up space on whichever storage medium you decide to put it on. Use at your own risk.