08-07-94 Well By using this on my BBS for a while I found that it was a little slow and choppy. The reason for this is it is set for 250 nodes and I only have 4. So when I changed it to read only 4 it was much quicker!! I have included the source code (don't know why I didn't do it before) so you can modify it to the number of node you have on your bbs. It is pretty easy. Just change line # 13 to the number of nodes you have, and recompile. Here is an example: for n = 1 to 250 : This is the original for n = 1 to 4 : This is what I changed mine to That's about it. If any of you want this and do not have Wccode, simply call my BBS, tell me the exact number of nodes you have, and I can change it and recompile it for you. Brian Anderson Brian's World BBS 714-821-3123