NEW WILD USER'S %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% First Name :___________________Last Name :_______________________ Address :_________________________________APT # :_____________ City :_______________________State :_______ZIP :___________ Home Phone :( )____-________ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BBS NAME :___________________________ BBS Phone :( )____-________Fido Net/Node :____:______/________ Maximum Baud Rate :_________________Modem Type :_________________ Math CO-PROCESSOR ( )YES ( )NO Computer Type :________________ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% There are three ways of receiving your registration. You can choose from US Mail, Remote or via FIDONET. If you do choose REMOTE please fill out the REMOTE REGISTRATION SECTION. If you choose mail I will send you your key file plus the current door(s) you registerd. REMOTE REGISTRATION : (USA ONLY) Please make an account with the following information so that I can upload the registration code to you. ACCOUNT NAME : DANNY DAVIS ACCOUNT PASSWORD : (PRINT PLEASE) ACCOUNT PHONE : 209-497-6722 ACCOUNT BIRTHDAY : 07/26/65 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NEW WILD USER'S REGISTRATION : QTY___ x $ 7.50 = $________________ CHOOSE ONE BELOW : ( ) US MAIL ADD $ 3.00 = $_____________S/H Please Select a Disk Size : ( ) 720k ( ) 360k ( ) 1.2 ( ) 1.44 ( ) REMOTE OR FIDONET (USA ONLY) ADD $ 2.00 = $_____________L/D CA RESIDENT add SALES TAX $________________ Disk with all the latest programs ADD $1.00 $________________ TOTAL DUE (US FUNDS ONLY) $________________ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Send Check or Money Order to : Danny Davis 2103 N. Arthur Fresno, Ca. 93705 CHECKS WILL HOLD UP THE ORDER TILL THEY CLEAR THE BANK SPECIAL REGISTRATION OFFER Wildcat Package v4.x Only: -------------------------- A. WILD OPERATOR A WILDCAT CALLBACK VERIFIER (wcCODE program) B. WILD BIRTHDAY'S - Listing Of Birthdays (wcCODE program) C. NEW WILD USER'S - Listing of New Users for XX Days (wcCODE program) ( ) All wcCODE Applications $ 25.00 = $ ____________ ( ) Item B & C only $ 10.00 = $ ____________ ( ) US MAIL ADD $ 3.00 = $ ____________S/H Please Select a Disk Size : ( ) 720k ( ) 360k ( ) 1.2 ( ) 1.44 ( ) REMOTE or FIDONET ADD $ 2.00 = $ _____________L/D CA residents add sales tax + $ _____________ Disk with all the latest programs ADD $1.00 $______________ (This includes my DOORs) Total US FUNDS DUE = $ _____________