170 files found in Library "Wildcat V4.x Utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
2TO1.ZIP No 49560 06-22-94
2TO1 version 1.4 compiled 6/22/94.
This program converts a typical
Wildcat! 2-line format file listing
to a single line format, for use with
the FILE HUNTER door or other appli-
cations where a single-line listing
would be desirable.
ACTM_0A.ZIP Yes 5668 09-08-94 WCX applet to archive activity logs WC
ADIOSMF.ZIP Yes 2585 10-02-94 ADIOSMF (Goodbye, my friend) WCCODE for WC4
AFLC20.ZIP Yes 34727 08-18-94 Allfiles List Creator v2.0 for WC4.x
ALLB100.ZIP Yes 1844 09-06-94
AllBull Ver 1.00 For Wildcat! 4.XX
WCCode Program to list ALL new
bulletins to users (in all conferences)
1994 JeRKware WCCode Program
Support BBS:
Virtual Visions (909)899-3434
AN.ZIP Yes 2352 07-31-94 Anniverary V1.0 By Scott Crosier WcCode WC4
ARTGAL.ZIP Yes 1596 08-16-94 Art Gallery program made with WCode 4.00.
ATTACHE.ZIP Yes 57547 08-20-94
ATTACHE ver. 1.00, utility for Wildcat!
version 4.x only. This program reports
on all messages with files attached to
them. Wildcat! version 3 users should
locate ATTACHE3.ZIP.
AUTODWN.ZIP Yes 819 08-28-94 WC4.00 wcCODE lets the user download
AUTOS40.ZIP Yes 64216 10-09-94 AUTO-SECURE 4.0,
BANKER11.ZIP Yes 2895 10-10-94 Time Banker 1.1 for Wildcat! 4.00 wcCODE
BBSB10.ZIP Yes 184669 08-14-94 BBSBUDDY v1.00 - For Wildcat Version 4.0
BDAYMSG1.ZIP Yes 6159 07-16-94 wcCode app for WC!4.00 to post msg to User
BDOOR31M.ZIP Yes 67102 08-13-94
BDoor Multiline 3.1 - A Wildcat 3.X and 4.X
compatible Door manager. Generates a
Wilcat DOORS.BBS and DOORS.RIP screens
with various door information. RIP screens
are 100% RIP compatible with mouse support.
From Beakware Software.
BESTCBV4.ZIP Yes 64746 09-30-94 THE BEST CALLback Verifier 4.00 ONLY $5
BICALL1C.ZIP Yes 4886 09-27-94
BLUECODE v1.3c A LOCAL CallBack Verifier!
Very easy to set up...configurable level to
upgrade your new user..gives extra 30
minutes on first call if they are verified..
FREEWARE....By Bob Bratcher..using sample
wcx code by varius programers
CALCAT.ZIP Yes 79504 08-17-94 CalCat! v5.4 Screen Rotator for Wildcat 4.0
CATCOLOR.ZIP Yes 60147 06-18-94
CATCOLOR version 1.60 Displays Wildcat!
files as they will look on your system.
The program accepts DOS Wildcards on the
command line, and will display all
matching files, showing display colors
and simulating system or user variables.
For Version 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
CDROMDOC.ZIP Yes 23611 10-04-94 CDROM 1.1 by Dan Creagan. Textfile
CHKFLE13.ZIP Yes 9966 09-29-94 wcCODE-Import FILE_ID.DIZ's from files
CIDLG10.ZIP Yes 44447 09-01-94
Caller ID Logon version 1.0, 09-01-94.
Wildcat! 3.x utility that compares caller ID
information against the user database, and
automatically logs on users. Requires
MultiDoor and Stackey.
-AV by author, Affordable Computer Services.
Shareware, $5 registration.
CIMEX.ZIP Yes 58646 09-10-94
CIMEX version 1.22, utility for Wildcat!
exports and imports CONFERENCE
description names to CONFDESC.DAT.
For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
CNFINF10.ZIP Yes 2668 08-27-94
CONFINFO V1.0 WC4 (WCX) BBS Utility.
CONFINFO will detect the caller's
current joined conference and display
an informational screen about the
conference created by you. Display
conference rules, topic info, or
any text you wish the caller to
know about the conference he or she
has joined.
COINFLIP.ZIP Yes 5158 08-27-94 Allows user to GAMBLE thier BBS CREDITS!
COM2SYS.ZIP Yes 4194 10-06-94 Comment To Sysop. Define multiple Sysops
COMNT100.ZIP Yes 1099 09-19-94
Forces 'Comments to Sysop' into the
conference you choose and returns
the caller to their original conf.
This wcCODE application should show
you how easy it is to write in wcCODE.
This one is only 5 lines of code.
The source code is included and ZIP
file may be distributed freely as
long as the original ZIP file is
not modified.
COMTOSYS.ZIP Yes 1049 10-07-94 Comment to SysOp wcCode app v 1.1
CONFLST1.ZIP Yes 1635 08-28-94
SYSOP utility for WC4.x wcCODE program that
will make a listing of all your conferences.
Showing the Conference number, name and
message path. Option to print to either the
screen or file.
R.J. Chalupka
CPM11.ZIP Yes 3110 08-16-94
Cusomized Paging Module Version 1.1
Three lines of text for users to
share their reason for paging.
Cancel option available to users
who change their minds.
$5 registration fee gets you the
source code.
CTNEWS42.ZIP Yes 59328 10-07-94
� CATNEWS! v4.2 COOL WC4/WC3 Newsltr Maker �
� in RIP/ANSI *INFO*. Has Built-in Editor, �
� This Utility creates a cool "vga looking" �
� Wildcat! Newsletter for your Users. �
� Shareware only $15.00 US by William Mantz �
� Maddog Productions � New Features � �
DATAV50.ZIP Yes 208498 07-28-94
�� ķ Version 5.0
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The MOST ADVANCED archive viewer for
WildCat! 4.xx BBS systems! Supports
standard and digiboard ports. Views
UC2, MOD and many other files. Allows
text reading, text searching, virus
scanning, integrity scan, internal
archive viewing, downloading, & MORE!
-- FOR WILDCAT 4.x ONLY!! --
DIZZY.ZIP Yes 55969 10-09-94
DIZZY removes graphics characters from
FILE_ID.DIZ. If an archive file is
named on the command line, DIZZY will
extract the file, rebuild it, and
replace it in the archive. If you
specify a .DIZ file on the command
line, DIZZY will rebuild it and
leave it in the current directory.
Version 1.4 works with PKZIP/PKUNZIP,
DOORCOST.ZIP Yes 82016 09-02-94 WC4 door DoorCost v1.10 asks user to pay $
DOORMENU.ZIP Yes 3821 08-11-94 Wcx Door Menu Program to run Doors & WCX
DROPDOS.ZIP Yes 2070 08-12-94 Ask for another password before dropping
DSYSFIX1.ZIP Yes 5117 08-02-94 A utility to squish line 23 of Door.Sys
DUPEFILE.ZIP Yes 59623 08-07-94
DUPEFILE, version 1.20 for Wildcat!
works with WC 4.x and 3.x databases.
Searches your ALLFILES database for
duplicate or similar filenames, and
generates a report.
DUPEUSER.ZIP Yes 59615 08-07-94
DUPEUSER, version 1.20 for Wildcat!
SysOp Util scans WC 4.x or 3.x user
file (ALLUSERS.DAT) and generates a
report of duplicate passwords, voice
or data phone numbers.
EDITH4.ZIP Yes 5604 09-29-94 EDITH 4.0 Remote File Search Via E-Mail
EREQ20.ZIP Yes 6919 08-16-94
ECHO REQUESTER 2.0 - A wcCode Application
for WC 4.0! This program will allow your
users to view an echo list and request echos
that interest them! No more unwanted echos!
The Requester will post a message to the
Sysop with the AreaTag and the requestor's
name! Configurable conference availalility.
Currently FREEWARE!! Multi Network Support!
wcCode Echo Requester Wildcat 4.0
by Kevin Erickson v2.0 08/16/94
FFDWCXTD.ZIP Yes 8974 09-05-94
ForceFeed WCX Test Drive. Make your users
download your app and then upgrade them!
FILEHUNT.ZIP Yes 55648 07-31-94
FILEHUNT, version 4.00 for Wildcat!
DOOR program lets users search through
file lists from other BBSes.
For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
FILELST1.ZIP Yes 1593 08-28-94
SYSOP utility for WC4.x wcCODE program that
will make a listing of all your file areas.
Shows the file area number, name and path.
Option to print to screen or file.
R.J. Chalupka
FILELST2.ZIP Yes 2068 09-27-94
SYSOP utility for WC4.x wcCODE program that
will make a listing of all your file areas.
Shows the file area number, name and path.
Option to print to screen or file. Will
create a Frontdoor compatible "List.txt" for
file requests (saves a lot of time).
R.J. Chalupka
FILESBBS.ZIP Yes 59929 09-14-94
FILESBBS version 1.12 makes FILES.BBS
lists from Wildcat! 4.x and 3.x data,
for use with d'Bridge and other FIDO
For Versions 3.x thru 4.x of Wildcat!
FILESTUF.ZIP Yes 93566 09-24-94 Stuffs selected files into the WC file
FIMEX.ZIP Yes 58658 09-04-94
FIMEX version 1.21, utility for Wildcat!
exports and imports FILE AREA
description names to FILEAREA.DAT.
For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
FINDUSER.ZIP Yes 66073 08-14-94
FINDUSER ver. 1.00, util for Wildcat! 4.0.
Tag any combination of text fields in your
user records and search for a matching
string. Name, Alias, Address, phones,
and all other text fields are available.
FINIS10.ZIP Yes 3312 08-16-94
Finis! Ver 1.0 Goodbye Option Replacement!
Instead of just letting your users log off
this little program gives them the option
of Paging the Sysop with the Customized
Paging Module, Leaving a Comment to the
Sysop, Returning to the BBS or confirming
the log off. It is sensitive to your help
level and will display your conference
goodbye.scr,bbs,rip screen automatically!
FIXAUSER.ZIP Yes 25119 10-02-94 FixAllUser v1.0 beautifies the Wildcat!
FORCE11.ZIP Yes 7115 09-10-94 WCCODE to force file upon an initial logon
FORCE20.ZIP Yes 6991 08-28-94
FORCE new users to download your file!
Registration gives you the ability to force
ANY security level to download a specific
file, force any single individual to
download the file of your choice and to
force ALL of your users to download the
file of your choice. No download, no
access to the bbs! Have fun. $15
FORSALE.ZIP Yes 6359 09-03-94 Let users add things to the for sale (WC4)
FPRO401.ZIP Yes 152871 07-27-94
FILEPRO! 4.0 Wildcat! 4.0 File
Database Utility. Allows Sysops
To Easily Maintain their Wildcat!
File Databases. Very Quick and
lots of Bells and whistles!
FSL8R112.ZIP Yes 114973 09-22-94 File Scan Later ver 1.12 File Upload Scan
GAMBLE.ZIP Yes 4780 08-12-94 Let users gamble with their time. 100%RIP
GETFIL41.ZIP Yes 6788 09-28-94
GETFILE 4.0 Allows Your BBS To Act As A
Remote File Server. E-Mail Sent To Your
System Will Generate An Automated Reply
Containing The Requested File As A Message
Attachment. Supports Requests For HELP
And FILES. Tracks Useage With Log File.
REGISTERED Version Offers PUTFILE Functions
For Remote Uploading To The Wildcat File
Database. AUTO_RESPONSE Capabilities.
Thoroughly Tested. Easy Setup.
GOODV13.ZIP Yes 3036 09-19-94
DAMN Good! Ver 1.2 Goodbye Option Replacement
Instead of just letting your users log off
this little program gives them the option
of Paging the Sysop with the Customized
Paging Module, Leaving a Comment to the
Sysop, Returning to the BBS or confirming
the log off. It is sensitive to your help
level and will display your conference
goodbye.scr,bbs,rip screen automatically
With BBS List, and New CFG
HBBS440.ZIP Yes 156585 09-27-94 HoliBBS v4.40 - Holiday countdown reminder
HMAIL100.ZIP Yes 230709 10-07-94
HyperMail! v1.00, the affordable mail tosser.
HyperMail! offers an incredible suite of
features while maintaining a low cost.
HyperMail! boasts a MakeWild-like config
program, fast tossing speeds, and an
integrated AreaManager.
Released 10-05-94. For WildCat! v4.x.
An InterProgramming Product - 1:301/3
HOLIDAYS.ZIP Yes 278084 08-05-94 HOLISCRN.ZIP holiday screens for Calcat
HOWPRMPT.ZIP Yes 3032 08-26-94 Text describing making WC4x prompt files
IMSGUUCP.ZIP Yes 11985 09-26-94
is a version of INMSG for Systems with a UUCP
account. Personal ADDRESS BOOKS for All your
users! Properly sends messages to Internet
Addresses in you Internet conference. wcCode
Application is fast and easy to use. Works
with Wildcat 4.0 ONLY!!! Addresses can be
written to from your address book.
Kevin Erickson version 1.0 09/26/94
INFO10.ZIP Yes 84697 08-22-94
The Information Center v1.0
By Arti Software Allows your users view
existing text files for online viewing .
INMSG20.ZIP Yes 15072 09-15-94 INTERNET MESSENGER 2-Addresses InterNet
JFSCALL.ZIP Yes 11607 10-09-94 JFSCALL.WCX! A Callback Verifier for (WC4)
JKPT_20.ZIP Yes 2545 08-06-94 WcJackpot 2.0 - wcCODE freeware "lottery"
KN390_4.ZIP Yes 56559 08-21-94 KATNEWS v3.90 -> v4.00 (PATCH)
LISTER11.ZIP Yes 1906 09-25-94
User/Alias Lister 1.1 for Wildcat! 4 wcCODE
program that allows the SysOp to list their
users Real Name - Alias Name - Sec Level. It
can replace the standard builtin [U]ser List
function if desired, and works in a similar
fashion. It allows the SysOp to easily view
which user has what Alias, without having to
do a tedious search in the user database!
LISTSERV.ZIP Yes 9425 10-06-94
Listserv v2.00 - lets you multiple Internet
mailing lists from your Wildcat v4.x BBS.
FREE wcCODE program!
Added the following:
-2.00: Support for multiple mailing lists
-2.00: Custom messages for each maling list
-2.00: Messages with SUB/UNSUB as the
subject are now valid sub/unsub
-2.00: Listutil has been enhanced to support
the new multiple-list version
-2.00: Listserv will change back to the
original conference it was launched
-1.06: Messages with a subject conatining
UNDELIVERABLE are now skipped.
-1.06: Fixed a bug with subscription
-1.05: Changed the FROM field back to the
name of the mailing list. This makes
it easier to send replies back out
on the list.
-1.05: Messages with a subject of SUB/UNSUB
or a blank subject are no longer
sent out on the list. Now a custom
message is sent back on invalid
sub/unsub requests.
-1.04: Fixed the bug where wcGATE was not
exporting messages.
-1.03: Fixed a bug that was causing messages
to be saved as public rather than
-1.03: Added support for sysop configurable
add/drop request messages.
-1.03: Added a sysop utility menu .WCX
file. Lets you add/drop/list
LKCALL.ZIP Yes 6764 10-07-94
LKCALL1.1a :) - a freeware callback verifer
source code. Supports area code masking,
configurable upgrade, welcome message,
audit trail, and sysop notification. Write
dan.creagan@laka.com with your improvements,
or call the WBC BBS at 316-788-9392.
LOADCAT.ZIP Yes 1541 10-14-94
A simple batch file for senile
SysOps who inadvertently load
their CATx.BAT files on top of
each other under DV!
LOCALLY.ZIP Yes 8397 08-23-94 Call back verifier in WCCODE for WC4.00.
LOGMAN14.ZIP Yes 5678 09-17-94
Logoff Mania! v1.4 (RSINC Software; $5)
Offers a variety of choices to callers
when the chose the Goodbye option from
any menu. Includes a Lucky Lottery
game to win time, comment to the Sysop,
and write on The Billboard. Written
using wcCode and is for WC4.X only.
LOGOFF.ZIP Yes 7318 09-14-94
Logoff! is the best wcCode Logoff Util
made. PERIOD! Try it Today. Replaces
the Wildcat! standard logoff with 5
options: Normal Logoff, Comment to
SysOp, Page SysOp, Quick Logoff or
Return To BBS. Logoff! has FULL
TRUE RIP, ANSI, and ASCII support.
After your caller selects an option,
Logoff! will display your goodbye
screen in .bbs, .scr or .rip
depending on the emulation of your
current caller.
LOGON.ZIP Yes 1243 07-18-94 LOGON.WCX for Wildcat 4.00
LOGONBAT.ZIP Yes 4563 09-20-94
BAT runner for LOGON.wcx
will run a LOGON1.bat from
a wc40\batch directory.
plus some neat features.
LOGONBR.ZIP Yes 1853 09-11-94 This is a logon script that I use on my WC4
LOGONS.ZIP Yes 9295 09-14-94 LOGON1.WCC - Standard Logon -
LOGTRIMR.ZIP Yes 16240 10-06-94 LOGTRIM Wildcat! v4.0 Activity Log
MAILBOT4.ZIP Yes 5010 09-28-94 MAILBOT 4.0 Unattended Mail Server
MAILLOG.ZIP Yes 1628 07-29-94
MAILLOG is a Wildcat 4 WCCODE example
that allows you to post a file to the
sysop as a message in a specified
conference. This code should probably be
modified to suit YOUR needs since I have
left it in very raw (but functional!)
form. I use it to post my activity logs
daily as a message. I removed the code
from MAILLOG.WCC that deletes the files
after mailing just in case you tried it
without reading this .
MCOMMENT.ZIP Yes 2127 09-16-94 Multi Comment 1.0 Comment Option (WC40)
PAGER13.ZIP Yes 1966 09-20-94 Custom SysOp Pager 1.3 for Wildcat! 4
PDOOR10.ZIP Yes 7370 09-14-94 PDOOR.WCX is a multi-feature prescan door
PICKNUM.ZIP Yes 5570 08-27-94 Allows user to GAMBLE thier BBS CREDITS!
PISSS.ZIP Yes 3048 09-22-94 Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow..
PMSTR400.ZIP Yes 59903 07-29-94
PostMaster v4.0 - Command line message
utility for WC! 4.x. Extremely popular
utility for posting text files as messages
from the command line. Very useful for
posting logs as messages, first time caller
greetings, questionaire results + much more.
Shareware - $25. No key req for evaluation!
PPAGE.ZIP Yes 4834 09-02-94 Priority Page: By Nick Warzin. For Wc4.0
PPWARE_1.ZIP Yes 2692 10-02-94 Comment is a FREE wcCODE program. wc4.00.
PPWARE_2.ZIP Yes 4225 10-02-94
This little WCCode program will
stop callers below 2400 Baud from
getting to your File menu while
allowing local log-ins the ability.
PPWare, Making BBS'ing SysOP Friendly!
PPWARE_3.ZIP Yes 3719 10-02-94 TWIT.WCX A WCCode prog. wc4.00
PPWARE_4.ZIP Yes 2328 10-02-94 CompDept is a WCX that displays a rude Cmt.
PREV400.ZIP Yes 6669 10-10-94 Previous 1.1b A WcCode v4.00 Program.
PRIMTIME.ZIP Yes 1956 09-24-94 PrimeTime module blocks certain seclevels
PRLGWCX.ZIP Yes 98265 09-21-94 WC! 4.01 Prelog.wcx 4 DOOM lovers!
PRSCAN4A.ZIP Yes 4762 08-27-94
Prescan for Wildcat! version 4.0 ,
Prescan v4.0a will allow your users
to have thier wcMail packets prescanned
for them. Your users will love it!
It's a great time saver for them!
For Version 4.x of Wildcat!.
Prescan is a wcCode Application
*Shareware $15.00*
PSCAN10X.ZIP Yes 2268 08-11-94 PSCAN.WCX v1.0 fixes PRESCAN.WCX -
PUNCH11.ZIP Yes 27299 09-25-94 PUNCH Version 1.1. Used within FILESTUF.
QUESNEW2.ZIP Yes 2892 08-07-94 new and improved new user questionaire.
Q_DTB110.ZIP Yes 2651 08-05-94 Quick and dirty time bank in wcCODE
RDPAGER1.ZIP Yes 1608 09-28-94
Sysop Page Replacement
wcCODE version of Sysop Page ver 1.0
Gives 2 line for Reason to talk to
Sysop for page.
NO Advertizement Crap!
For Wildcat! version 4.x ONLY.
RUDEPAGE.ZIP Yes 36555 09-08-94 RudePage! for WC! 4.00 From Illusions BBS
RUN_WCX1.ZIP Yes 2662 09-03-94 RUN-WCX 1.0. Test .Wcx files
RUSSROUL.ZIP Yes 3796 09-02-94 Russian Roulette: By Nick Warzin. For Wc4
SALBUL10.ZIP Yes 4255 10-09-94
SaleBull is a wcCODE Door for Wildcat! v4.x
It is a Door that will allow the sysop to
define a bulletin of his/her own choosing,
that users can add "FOR SALE" items to.
Colorful display of finished bulletin! Users
can either view the finished BULLx.BBS from
Wildcat!s Main Menu, or view it from within
the Door itself. Copyright 1994 WasteLands
Software, Jeff Wayne author
SECNEW.ZIP Yes 1070 08-07-94
This is a Security Checker for NewUsers
that will Make them Read and Answer to
your Membership Agreement or BBS Rules
or log them off your BBS.
SECRET11.ZIP Yes 9572 09-02-94
The Secretary - Version 1.1
Excellent Wildcat 4.x Call-Back
verifier written in wcCODE.
- Sysop definable upgrade security level
- Tone or pulse dialing
- Very fast and easy to set up!
- Sysop definable toll-call verifications
Let your Secretary do the work for you!
SECSORT.ZIP Yes 60975 10-17-94
SECSORT, version 0.51�eta for Wildcat!
version 4. Does a manual or automatic
re-sort of the security levels in your
For Wildcat! version 4.x ONLY!!
SPAGE201.ZIP Yes 4975 10-04-94 Super Pager 2.01 ! WCX Page replacement.
SPM_SHAR.ZIP Yes 5779 09-01-94 A *GREAT* new idea in Sysop Paging. WC4.x
ST3_41A.ZIP Yes 226409 09-12-94 StormTape ]I[
SUPRSCAN.ZIP Yes 55298 07-31-94
SUPRSCAN, version 4.00 for Wildcat!
DOOR program lets users search through
a variety of BBS Lists
For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
SYPAGE11.ZIP Yes 1989 08-09-94
SYSOP PAGE v1.1 wcCODE for Wildcat! v4.
Inserts a reason before [P]aging the SysOp
command in Wildcat!. Writes to activity
log and will not leave empty reasons.
Written by DreddWare Doors & Jamie Lee.
S_CONFV1.ZIP Yes 1703 08-14-94
Sets the callers "Last Conference" to any
conference you pick. Runs as part of the
POSTCALL.WCX Easy to install and use.
Sample POSTCALL.WCX included. Extremely
TABSCAT.ZIP Yes 15902 09-27-94 Tabscat! v1.4 for Wildcat 4.00 From Pagoda
TABSWC40.ZIP Yes 16916 08-09-94
TABSWC40 is a WCCODE application for use
with the TABS 900 b4illing service and
Wilcat! 4.x. FULLY confgurable for any
system. Users can upgrade thier own
access! Includes functions for adding
new subcription IDs and inquiring about
the number of IDs left. Only $5
regisration. by Sean Martin
TDOOR50.ZIP Yes 276513 07-19-94 Time Door-Time/Byte/Download Banking (WC4)
TGLNRWCX.ZIP Yes 3818 09-11-94
TagLiner v1.0 For Wildcat! 4.x only! NEW
wcCODE Door to let users add a TagLine to
your QUOTES.BBS File. SysOp definable TAG
text, header/footer colors via the CFG
file. Very colorful output with very nice
header/footer display! (C)1994 WasteLands
Software, Jeff Wayne author. Registration
only $10.00! Just another ByProduct of
The WasteLands
THEPAGE.ZIP Yes 2985 10-03-94 THEPAGE v1.00 for Wildcat 4.00.
TICTAC13.ZIP Yes 10286 08-18-94 TICTAC.WCX v1.3 Process TICs (Planet Earth)
TOASTY10.ZIP Yes 39898 09-18-94
Toasty v1.00 - simple TIC announcer for
Wildcat v3.x and v4.x.
Toasty is a simple TIC-announcer for
for Wildcat BBS. Options include message
upload to your BBS via Tomcat or wcMail,
text output, and bullx/hellox .bbs output.
TSCN507.ZIP Yes 301692 09-06-94
TranScan 5.07 -- Update patch.
This file contains an update patch to
update any TranScan v5.05 - 5.06 to
v5.06. This patch MAY be distributed
on BBSs. TranScan v5+ is a commercial
program available for $35 from
Shareware Services. Call 1-800-578-3061
or 913-232-5584. MC & Visa accepted.
TSLOT11.ZIP Yes 4569 08-17-94 Time Slots! A wc4.00 application
UGRADE.ZIP Yes 2891 08-18-94
UGRADE - a WC4.0 WcCode application
that asks new users about themselves
and sends a message to the sysop.
It also upgrades their security level!!
Another fine program from:
Greenhills Software (708) 731-1017 [BBS]
USERLIST.ZIP Yes 2659 08-04-94 [U]ser List Replacement. for Wildcat 4.0
USERPAGE.ZIP Yes 2134 09-01-94
Replacement program fro Page Other users for
WHOSON alias replacement of Who's Online.
From Brian's World BBS
USRQUO15.ZIP Yes 7895 10-08-94
User Quote v1.5
A .WCX program that will allow members of
your WILDCAT! v4.0 BBS to add their own
Quote of the day to your QUOTES.BBS display
Advertise your BBS on your own BBS. Great
for those users that like to comment about
your system. Even includes automatic user
signature and sysop-only configuration menu!
Boost subscriptions/donations.
Fully operational......Not Crippleware!!!
No expiration
v1.5 EXTRA'S ADDED...SysOp's can now customiz
VERIFY10.ZIP Yes 3312 08-15-94 VERIFY.WCX 1.00 - Simple user verification
WC40TABS.ZIP Yes 36543 09-13-94 WildTabs! for WC! 4.00....update!
WC40WALL.ZIP Yes 2693 09-13-94 WildWall! for WC! 4.00 updated! FREE!!
WC4CCS10.ZIP Yes 8914 07-23-94 WCCode for Credit Card
WC4PAGER.ZIP Yes 2612 08-21-94
wc4PAGER v1.2 For Wildcat 4.x
wcCODE program that adds life
to your [P] - Page Sysop
Asks caller for a reason why
paging sysop, allows for
logging off BBS if page is
not answered.
>> Will show your BBS's name
instead of advertising some
one else's BBS. <<
WC4ROBO.ZIP Yes 75315 05-09-94
ROBOCOMM Utility converts Wildcat 4.x
File Listings into Wildcat 3.x Format
so they can be imported into the
ROBOCOMM datbase correctly. Allows
new file scans "on-the-fly" like the
'N' command used to do.
WCARCHIE.ZIP Yes 5633 10-05-94 wcARCHIE 4.0 Remote File Searcher
WCCALL.ZIP Yes 4021 08-20-94 wcCall ver 1.1 is a wccode callback
WCEDT200.ZIP Yes 218630 08-01-94 Offline mail reader/User editor for WC4.x
WCFTP11B.ZIP Yes 6042 09-24-94 FTP via E-Mail, Auto response message,
WCNEWC12.ZIP Yes 19068 10-02-94 WC New User Call Back Verifier for WC
WCPAGE.ZIP Yes 4595 10-07-94 WCPage! A SUPER pager for WC! v4.00
WCPAGE01.ZIP Yes 3566 09-14-94 wcPAGE with Guns and Roses Melody!
WCPAGE1.ZIP Yes 5374 07-17-94
PAGE.WCX v1.0 wcCode app for WC!4. A
replacement for the [P]age SysOp command in
WC!4. Written by Dennis Maidon and PAROLE
Software. Currently FREE!
WCPCB06.ZIP Yes 10947 10-10-94 PCBoard Look alike menu system for Wildcat
WCPOST.ZIP Yes 10950 10-11-94
wcPOST v1.01, the Auto-Message
posting wcCODE utility for all
Wildcat! v4.0x SysOp's. There
are two different programs in
one. One can be run from a
Menu operated system, the other
may be run as an event. A must
have for keeping up with the BBS
activities! *** FREEWARE ***
Source code included!
WCQQ10.ZIP Yes 6233 09-30-94 wcQQ v1.0 - Wildcat Quick Quotes
WCTABS1A.ZIP Yes 4958 08-29-94
wcTabs for Wildcat! version 4.0 ,
wcTabs v1.0b will allow your users
to upgrade thier status on your bbs
using thier TABS Subscription id.
This application works on both
the $10.00 and $25.00 id's.
Wildcat sysops will love it.
For Version 4.x of Wildcat!.
wcTabs is a wcCode Application
Now adds expire dates!
*Shareware $10.00*
WCTIC10.ZIP Yes 74341 10-07-94 Wildcat V3.x & V4.x TIC Processor Program
WCVFY.ZIP Yes 13879 10-11-94 wcVFY v1.01, a wcCODE Call-Back Verifier.
WCXMENU.ZIP Yes 5197 08-10-94 Run/Chain/Edit wcCode modules for Wildcat
WCXPAGE.ZIP Yes 1436 07-29-94 Prompt for reason to page sysop.
WC_PAGE.ZIP Yes 2165 10-09-94 WC!PAGE - great alternative for Wildcat 4.0
WHO210.ZIP Yes 5081 10-14-94
WHO2, the on the fly Who Called Today
Very Configurable!
WHOCALL1.ZIP Yes 4258 07-29-94
WHOCALL is a Wildcat 4 WCC program to
create a bulletin (or other display
file) of today's callers. It should be
called from POSTCALL.WCX. WHOCALL makes
an entry into the bulletin each time a
caller logs off. It list's the caller's
name, where s/he's from, the time of the
call, the length of the call, the baud
rate, and the total number of messages
the caller has left on your system.
Currently, all nodes are combined into a
single bulletin. The bulletin (or
display) is reset when the first caller
after midnight logs off.
WHOCALS1.ZIP Yes 9793 09-26-94 WHOCALLS a WILDCAT! 4.00 WCCODE Utility
WHOISON.ZIP Yes 2723 08-07-94 Replacement for Whos online. Wildcat 4.0
WILDBDAY.ZIP Yes 6392 09-25-94 WILD BIRTHDAY'S v1.0 Generate a birthday
WILDNEW.ZIP Yes 5945 09-25-94 NEW WILD USER'S v1.0 Generate a New User
WILDOP.ZIP Yes 12139 09-18-94 WILD OPERATOR! v1.0 A WILDCAT Callback
WLDNEW12.ZIP Yes 9000 07-16-94
WildNews v1.2 - WC 3.x Newsletter generator.
Generates a NEWSLTR.BBS with the "green bar"
look. Adds a title with date and time of
the entry. **FREEWARE**
Call the authors BBS for the latest versions.
Rob Williams, WCS Software 1994 v1.2
WLDSALE.ZIP Yes 35391 09-07-94 WildSale! for WC! 4.01 ONLY!!
WLDWALL.ZIP Yes 35280 08-21-94 WildWall! for WC 4.00 message to next user
WLIST403.ZIP Yes 80756 08-21-94 Wildlist 4.03 Release Version for WC!4.x
WLWALL.ZIP Yes 35453 09-07-94 WildWall! for WC! 4.01 ONLY!!
WT_ND01.ZIP Yes 4933 09-21-94 WILDTIME - News Door v1.00 Public beta
WWBDAY.ZIP Yes 8450 09-08-94 wwBirthday 1.0 makes RIP/ANSI of birthdays
WWNUSER.ZIP Yes 11097 09-17-94 wwNewuser 1.0 Sysop informed of all Newuser
WWVERIFY.ZIP Yes 27528 09-02-94
wwVerify is a wcCODE call back verifier for
Wildcat! 4.xx. It is loaded with features
and is very configurable. Can run as part
of the logon process or as a menu selection.
Can block long distance completely or by
time of day. Developed by Wildware!
ZPLOG40.ZIP Yes 1278 09-17-94 ZipLog! for WC! 4.00...