Thanks for trying Classic Solitaire v1.2. Version history: v1.2- 11/01/1994 * Reduced price to $15. * Minor cosmetic changes such as hilighting current user name on scores screen to easily identify where you are. * Change the format to use a Key file for registrants. v1.1- 10/01/1994 * Implemented a tournament mode option that allows all players to receive the same hands each day. * Now allows you to manually set the locked baud rate on the command line, if your drop file does not supply it. (see #7 below). v1.0- 09/01/1994 * Initial release. If you're in a hurry to try this game, follow these quick-start instructions and you'll be up and running in 3 minutes! 1) Create a sub-directory on your drive named CLASSIC (or whatever) 2) Copy all files from the CL_SOL12 archive into it. 3) Make that directory current. 4) Run EDIT_CFG.EXE to configure Classic Solitaire. ** YOU MUST specify a path to your BBS support file for the game to run. 5) Select "Save" from the editor to write configuration file and exit. 6) Run CLASSIC.EXE to begin Classic Solitaire in Local mode. 7) If your drop file does not supply a locked baud rate, you can set it manually by adding it to the command line. ex: "CLASSIC 19200" Hope you enjoy the game! Tim.