ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ LORDS OF IRONGATE COMMANDS ³ Page 1 of 2 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ [MOVE=KEYPAD] = Use the keypad keys to move as follows: ³7 8 9³ (+) Up a level (pressing the '5' key will allow you ³ \|/ ³ (-) Dn a level to rest your character at your current ³4- -6³ location gaining back some health pts) ³ /|\ ³ (O)pen/close = Open or Close a door at direction. ³1 2 3³ (A)ttack! = Will attack a monster in the current area.ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ (F)lee away! = Allows you to run away from combat. (X)Examine = Will examine the room contents and search the area for hidden and/or secret rooms or containers. (I)nventory = Will list a complete inventory of your holdings. (P)ick up item= Picks up an item in the current area. (D)rop item = Drops an item you may be holding (or have readied). (V)iew stats = Displays a detailed view of your statistics. ($)ave player = Saves the current player holdings & stats to disk. (R)ead item = To read scrolls, books, or activate magical effect of. (U)se item = Activate magical effect of rods, wands, and staffs. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ LORDS OF IRONGATE COMMANDS ³ Page 2 of 2 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (W)ear/wield = Before your weapon or armor items are considered 'readied' they must be worn or wielded. (S)peak with = Allows you to talk to a wandering player or monster. (M)ix items = Mix up two or more potions (can have random effects). (T)ake off = Allows you to take off (deselect) the currently worn or wielded item for another one. (C)ast spell = If you have spell casting ability, use this command to activate your spell casting ability. (E)at/drink = Wandering the dungeon will make you hungry, make sure to stop often and get something to eat/drink. (Z)Redraw! = Will redraw screen (in case something got messed up. (Q)uit = Quit this fabulous adventure & exit out...