F E A T U R E S O F N P C L O R D v 2. 0 This text file was created for all the people out there who didn't quite understand all of the wonderful features of NPCLord. We'll take 'em this way: NPCLORD.CFG, NPCEdit features, and things that you might want to know about NPCs (otherwise known as MISC). -= NPCLORD.CFG =- -= Fights Per Day - How many times the NPCs get to visit the forest... This not only includes fighting, but also all the other forest events you'd normally get in Lord. Every thing in this "routine" is exactly what would happen in Lord - the fighting included. -= Player Fights - Same as in Lord, fighting routines match LORD's exactly. -= Level Fighting - How many levels UP or DOWN NPCs are allowed to fight. NPCs also have random aggression levels that will either cause them to attack higher up players (if they're close to a level raise), or stay safe (if they're not...). -= Level Jumping - How many levels NPCs can advance in one day. -= Random Bar # - The most confusing feature. This number is taken in by NPCMaint, and a random number from one to that number is chosen. If _that_ number equals one, then the NPC talks. This number should be set to around the number of NPCs you have, but if you want your NPCs to talk a lot, you can set it to one (they'd talk every time then). For you programming freaks, here's kinda what it looks like: CASE 1+RANDOM(number) of 1: do routine; -= Lord Path - This field needs to be set to the path to all your LORD data files. Also, you need to have a Lord game that has run for at least one player (or one day). It needs the trailing backslash (\). -= Your/BBS Names - Self explanatory -= NPCEDIT.EXE =- -= NPC Editing - I had one user report a "bug" to me, that you could edit the NPCs through LordCFG. Well, of course you can, they're users, too. As a matter of fact, you can turn regular players into NPCs by simply changing their names. NPCEdit simply modifies the values that "count" for NPCs -- there may be one or two others (like staying in the Inn), but these are the important ones. *Only available in the registered version. -= CFG Editing - This works pretty well, is pretty self-explanatory, the command-line interpreting is not fantastic, tho. I'll work on it when someone complains about it. -= Bar Text Edit - This simply lets you edit the phrases in the bar. One of the new features in NPCLord is the ability to "talk" to the people who had posted in the Inn above you. To do this, simply put a % instead of their name, number being the spot above you that you want to address. For Example: Joseph Masters: "You're Ugly!" Amanda Arendale: "No way stupid!" And if you were next, you would address Joseph by typing in a %1 where you would want his name to, and if you wanted to address Amanda, you'd put a %2 where her name is. Sorry, no HE/SHE support in this field yet, but if you want it, just tell me! *Only available in registered version. -= Bar Text Import- This is a nifty little feature that will let you take any old file of quotes (If you had, say, a TAGLINE file or something) and import them into the choices of the bar.txt. WARNING: only use files that have EVERY LINE being something you want in! NPCLord has a capacity for over 32,000 quotes, so I don't think you'll run out of room! *Only available in registered version. -= Log Writing - Self Explanatory -- The "Romantic" log-writes are included in the LAID field. -= Others - Self Explanatory -= MISC =- -= Romance! - This kinda ties into the NPCEdit NPC Editing feature, but here it is explained completely... NPC Romantic Mail WRITING: An NPC will only write romantic mail if his "ROMANCE" level is high enough (it's a bit random, but the romance levels influence it about 75%), and if the person they're gonna write to has a really low charm, they won't write. The Romance levels also influence what TYPE of mail the NPCs write... They will only invite to room on the two highest. NPC Romantic Mail RESPONDING: An NPC will only respond POSITIVELY to romantic mail if a random value (heavily influenced by his/her charm, the other person's charm, and the NPCs romance level) is above 0. If you want to know this random number thingie exactly, just write me! NPCs will either respond postively or negatively to all romantic mail directed their way. LOG Writing for this is controlled by the LAID log variable. *Only in registered version -= PROGRAMMERS! - If you're a budding programmer, and want to know exactly what I'm using for my NPCs, here it is... (In case you wanted to write a program for LORD with NPC support). * Each NPC's REAL_NAME field is NPC followed by one Alt-255. You could actually put a player on auto- pilot by changing his name to this. * The romance level is actually the new_stat3 variable. If you wanna mess with it, you gotta figure out which values correspond to which level. * Write me if you need more help! Ok, I can't think of any more help I could possibly give you, but it's still probably fairly unclear. I really need someone (an outsider! ) to write some coherent Docs for me. Ok, well, again, refer to NPCLORD.DOC on ways to contact me, the only DEFINATE bet is MY bbs, if you write me e-mail, it should be answered within 12 hours. -J.