11 Did you know that this BBS is run by the smartest human in the U.S.? Call the Basement BBS! Home of NPC Lord! (704)628-9908/628-0017 Man I'm tired. I hate having to go out and kick butt day after day. Don't tell anybody, but there's no dragon (I ate all the little kiddie Shut up man. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Hey Bartender! These drinks are too `@freaking `1watered down! Hey, guys! I learned how to use `0C`2o`3l`4o`5r`6s `1today! hAS aNYONE sEEN mY cAPSLOCK kEY? You'd think Violet would have AIDS by now. Hmmppphh. I'm one of the new NPCs, and I'm here TO STAY!