A listing of freeware ANSI/ASCII screens from Stalag 13 BBS, 219-763-0826. LOGONX.ZIP - A colorful ansi stat screen that can be used as a logon, bulletin, or goodbye screen. Displays tons of info about the caller, his board usage history and general board stats. LOGONXB.ZIP - An ascii version of the above mentioned screen. Same info but not as "pretty". CHKITOUT.ZIP -For the sysop that runs a subscription based board or would like to encourage donations. Contains two screens ANSI/ASCII that appear to be large bank checks on the screen. The ANSI version shows the caller's actual name, city, state, and phone number, the actual system date as the date on the check, and the callers name on the check signature line, and the caller's city and state as the "bank's" address. Simply alter with your name and subscription rate and you are all set to go. A sure fire attention getter! My callers really pause on this one! TWITDEF.ZIP - A sysop's definition of a TWIT. Hilarious and good for the syop's sanity! Many funny definitions of what makes a caller a twit. Make them think! All these files have been uploaded to LOBSTER BUOY, but if you cannot find them you can get them from Stalag 13 BBS, 219-763-0826.