Christmas Command Shell for SYNCHRONET -------------------------------------- Well, here it is the week after Thanksgiving and I needed a quickie Christmas Command Shell. I thought that Justin's Halloween re-make of Chris Bourne's TAG BBS shell was cool and simple enough, so here it is... a re-hash of a re-hash! I had some Christmas ansi screens lying around, so I butchered them up and used 'em for the menus. The whole thing took 2 hours and serves my purposes just fine. No docs... use the ween.doc and substitute xmas for ween and it'll work. I have included a generic file called text.asc that should go in your \sbbs\text\menu\xmas directory. It will be displayed when is selected from the Main Menu. Use as is, or put what ever you want in there, named text.asc. This replaces the MEANING.TXT in the WEEN docs. Thanks Justin and Chris... Merry Christmas! Hey Justin, if you do a Christmas shell let me know! ÄÂÄhing-ÕÍish 1:3636/16