INTRODUCING - AGAPE ARCADES 1-5 From Integrity Software. Software designed to provide wholesome entertainment to the body of Christ and to minister the great truths of the Word of God. AGAPE ARCADE #1 MOSES MATCHUP: [M] In this matchup game the players are taught about Moses, and what he revealed about the comming Messiah, Jesus Christ. 1-3 play. [M] KING'S GLORY ELITE: [M] Search a 100 room maze for prizes based on God's Armor, the Fruit of the Spirit, 2 Keys, and A Bible. Each prize rewards you with a related scripture and a portion of a Hymn. Avoid rooms with a Rock Video, they contain things that are abominable to God. MORE THAN CONQUERORS: [K] The enemy's fiery darts attack with ever increasing fury. Consume them with Bolts of God's Glory from the Sword of The Spirit. AGAPE ARCADE #2 MAKER'S MATCHUP: [M] 1-3 players match pairs of objects, based on people and things from the Bible, and you are played part of a Hymn. MEN OF RENOWN: [M] The enemy has hidden Name Plates that go with Pictures of Biblical Men of Renown. You must find them, and place them back with the pictures that they belong with, in this maze adventure game. As you do part of a Hymn is played. SWORD OF THE SPIRIT: [K] In this game, in the style of "Shooting Gallery" type games, you will shoot down the 4 things that our enemy uses to hinder the Word: Trusting in wealth's deceitfulness, Lust for things other than the Word, The wories and cares of this life, and Persecution for the Word's sake. Based on the Parable of the Sower. AGAPE ARCADE #3 FORERUNNERS: [M] The goal of this game is to expose Tiles which reveal a person from the Old Testament that was a Type, or Foreshadow of Jesus. One set of tiles is a Triplet, this is the winning set. KINGDOM KEYS: [M] Search for Keys, Treasure Chests, and Scripture Scrolls, in this game that presents some of the most powerful promise scriptures. Players are encouraged to participate in the growth pattern, laid out in 2 Peter Chapter 1, from faith to Agape/Love. And exhorted to seek first God's kingdom, and to store up their treasures in Heaven. Each prize plays a bit of a Hymn and shows a scripture. FIERY DARTS: [K] The fiery darts of the enemy will come at you from all 4 sides, you can snuff them out with the Shield of Faith or consume them with bolts of the Glory of God that you shoot with the Sword of the Spirit. AGAPE ARCADE #4 JESUS MATCHUP: [M] 1-3 try to match pairs of Bible Objects, each reveals a truth about our Lord Jesus Christ and plays part of a Hymn. SANCTIFIED SCROLLS: [M] In this maze adventure you search for 3 fragments of a scripture, to place in their proper chest. There are 7 chests per game. MORE THAN CONQUERORS 2: [K] The fiery darts of the enemy will come at you in ever increasing numbers from the left and from the right, you can obliterate them with bolts of the glory of God which you fire with the Sword of the Spirit. [K] AGAPE ARCADE #5 THREE FOLD: [M] Expose and rotate Tiles, that are 3 levels deep, with pictures related to Bible things, your goal is to expose three in a row. RHEMA: [M] Assemble scriptures bit by bit while searching a maze to get the scrolls that contain each bit and in put them together in order. In many cases the phrases used are enhanced versions of the actual scriptures, often adding detail that has been revealed to the body of christ. For example, instead of "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" we might use "I can do anything through My Lord Jesus Christ who gives me all the strength I need". SWORD OF THE SPIRIT 2: [K] Shoot at Principalities, Powers, Rulers of the darkness of this world, and Wicked Spirits in the Heavenlies with the Sword of the Spirit, in this game based on Ephesians Chapter 6. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ [M] - Mouse Controlled. [K] - Keyboard Controlled. All games are recomeneded for age 6 + Up and have optional SB Music. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ For PC Compatibles with VGA Color Monitor, MS-DOS* 2.0+up, Microsoft* compatible Mouse and driver, a Hard Drive + 512K RAM. 286+up recomended. Optional Sound Blaster* sound requires SBFMDRV.COM* or compatible driver + Card. * MS-DOS and MICROSOFT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Sound Blaster and SBFMDRV.COM are trademarks of Creative Labs. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ EACH ARCADE PACKAGE IS $24 Ma Residents add %5 Sales Tax. Add $3 S/H to the total. INTEGRITY SOFTWARE P. O. Box 242 Chicopee, Ma, 01021 Credit Card Orders (Minimum $48) Call 413-594-7307 10am-8pm ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ