Common Problems Setting Up IP&M ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you are having difficulties setting up the demo version of IP&M, make sure of the following: 1. You have SHARE installed. When you type SHARE at the DOS command line, you should see the message "Share Already Installed." If you don't, add a line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT that reads "SHARE". 2. Make sure you have enough file handles set aside in your CONFIG.SYS. On the line that says "FILES=XX", XX should be a number great enough to hold 35 handles per session. So if you're using a multi-tasker and have two windows running IP&M, you'll need at least 70 file handles. 3. If you're trying to install IP&M as a door and are having problems, try blanking out the baud rate on the modem configuration screen. 4. If you get a "Out of environment space" message when loading the MUD, add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT: "SET CLIPPER=f255"; also, add the following line to your config.sys: "SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /E:2048 /P". If a shell line already exists, modify it to match. If your problems persist, you can call our technical support at (404) 635-0931. You should also download the very latest version of the demo from our support BBS, Software Creations, at (508) 368-7139, or from a MUD test site such as (404) 627-4161.