94 files found in Library "DOS & System Related"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
4XBTM40.ZIP No 151607 11-11-94
4XBTM Version 4.0 Huge collection of 53
UTILITIES covering EVERYTHING on your system
written in 4DOS 5.5 BTM language. For 4DOS 54
Author: Klaus Meinhard.
AMI_HELP.ZIP Yes 25680 12-19-94 Text file with info for AMI-BIOS settings.
AMM30.ZIP Yes 40417 09-29-94
ANSI Macro Maker 3.0 FREEWARE Make Hot-Keys
to Run Your Programs. Fixed bugs from Ver 2.0
Added New Feature.
APPMAP.ZIP Yes 22779 08-24-94 appmap allows keyboard remapping
AUTOCMOS.ZIP Yes 3904 12-31-94
Read, write, and compare CMOS memory found in
286 and newer computers. It is designed for
use in batch files by utilizing command line
parameters as needed. Fills niche left by the
other CMOS utilities .command line operation
BATKIT55.ZIP Yes 80578 10-30-94
BATKIT v5.5 - Batch file utilities. GETKEY
displays a message (plain or fancy), gets a
response (255 char max) from user & stores it
in an env. variable or ERRORLEVEL. MORE MORE
BATMNU24.ZIP Yes 50698 12-27-94
BATMNU v2.4: BAT file menu system provides
sophisticated flow control and gives batch
files a professional appearance
BCHMEN3A.ZIP Yes 62198 01-08-95
BatchMen is a Menu for Batch Programs.
EGA/VGA graphics with Mouse & ANSI Support.
BCMD20.ZIP Yes 109042 11-05-94
Better Commands 2.0 for MS-DOS and DR DOS.
Powerful DOS replacement commands and many
new commands. Coexists with DOS. Tom Hanlin
BUTIL_BT.ZIP Yes 38673 11-07-94
Batchfile utilities that enhance appearance
and productivity of your batchfiles.
Beta-test Release.
CARDG150.ZIP Yes 75233 12-30-94
CARD GUIDE Shareware Version 1.50 An
informational aid to assist in installing
various types of I/O cards.
CCMDR11A.ZIP Yes 47117 11-28-94
Color Commander V1.1A VGA palette Utility.
Reduce eye strain and change the look of your
DOS programs by changing the 16 DOS colors to
any of 262,144. Shareware.
CDX10.ZIP Yes 6335 10-26-94
Change Directory eXtended (CDX) v1.00
Registration only �8.00
CFGMGR30.ZIP Yes 83565 10-24-94
Configuration Manager v3.0. Autoexec.Bat and
Config.Sys configuration management within
DOS/Windows. Also MSDOS 6.x & Novell DOS 7.0
CLRV300.ZIP Yes 73374 01-03-95
Color View - Color Directory Viewer A great
dos "dir" replacement. Now view your
directories in color by assigning colors to
extensions, directories, attributes and more.
Up to 30 extensions can be defined. Sort by
filename, extension, date and size. Comes
with and easy to use configuration program.
Released 12/30/94
CONF727.ZIP Yes 109736 11-15-94
PC-CONFIG V7.27 - Detects all the hardware in
your PC and displays it on the screen. One of
the best sysinfo-programs ever. With CD-ROM
benchmark routine! Finds Local-Bus and PCI
boards, Cyrix, TI, UMC and Pentium CPUs, MORE
CPD15.ZIP Yes 48391 01-15-95
Complete Program Deleter 1.5 totally
removes all files and directories added
to a disk by any installation utility,
SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. A complete
uninstaller for DOS or Windows programs.
DAYQUOTE.ZIP Yes 90626 12-06-94
Quote of the day generator for when you boot
up your PC. NOT Jack Handy's deep thoughts.
DBP027.ZIP Yes 74142 01-01-95
DocsBoot+ v0.27 -- a BootManager replacement
for most (if not all) operating systems (inc
OS/2 DOS, Liux, NT, etc)
DDEL200.ZIP Yes 9213 04-05-99
Directory Delete Vers 2.00 - New update to
this tried and true DOS utility.
DDIR100.ZIP Yes 57604 11-12-94
DDIR 10.0 Directory lister, flags system,
hidden and read-only files; highlights new
files; shows DOS file size, true file size
and file "dead space". Full sort/resort.
DELEXT22.ZIP Yes 12578 12-04-94
DELEXT V.2.2 - Deletes every extension that
is specified in DELEXT.EXT file or
commandline on the current drive. Dir utility
DGLOSZ.ZIP Yes 24370 08-13-94
D.EXE The superfast, colorized, sorted,
scrollable directory lister. Joseph Glosz.
DISKSAV3.ZIP Yes 23732 11-09-94
FAT and BOOTSAVE V2.3 Maint Rel FAT and
BOOTSAVE are very powerful utilities, whose
purpose is to preserve a copy of your hard
drive's critical data areas. Do not be misled
by the small size of the utilities as they
were written in assembler for speed and
accuracy. BOOTSAVE will produce a backup of
the boot sector and FATSAVE will produce a
backup of the file allocation tables.
DMAN130.ZIP Yes 82627 10-31-94
Driv Man v1.30: single screen disk drive
(126) summary display includes drive data
summary w/capacity/used/free each drive,
drive data graph, total disk summary.
DOSVAR20.ZIP Yes 97259 12-21-94
DosVar 2.00: String-handling for batch files.
Now you can manipulate variables in BAT files
to obtain left and right substrings. You can
perform justification or strip leading zeros.
DPTHTS2.ZIP Yes 29591 12-17-94
DEEP THOUGHTS by Jack Handey every time you
boot-up your computer! 20 quotes to start.
� Registered has 190 quotes
� Registration only $5.00!
DTA22.ZIP Yes 14331 10-20-94
DTA (Directory-Tree-Attributes) v2.2: super
dir util that is replacement for the DIR/TREE
and ATTRIB commands of DOS, as well as a
WHEREIS utility; w/alphabetized color dir
ENVFORM.ZIP Yes 52650 10-17-94
ENVFORM is a parameter driven program which
allows you to perform full screen input of
DOS enviroment variables.
ERRLVL12.ZIP Yes 20973 01-14-95
TifaWARE ERRLVL v1.2d -- display return code
of previous program; ie, ERRORLEVEL. Requires
DOS v3.30, v4.0, v5.0, or v6.0. Includes
source for TASM v3.0. Last updated 07-Jul-93.
Public domain.
FANDIR15.ZIP Yes 9995 10-04-94
Fancy Directory 1.5 replaces the DOS
DIR command. It gives an alphabetically
arranged, color-coded list of files and
directories. Options. $5 registration.
FE20.ZIP Yes 10858 01-05-95
############# Fast Encrypt 2.0 ##############
An extremely fast, secure encryption system.
Written entirely in 386 Assembler. Now
includes complete command line operation!
Uses 128 bit keys for extreme security.
386+ ONLY! Full DOCs included.
FIPS12.ZIP Yes 106328 11-10-94
FIPS is a program to spilt nodestructively a
DOS partition.
FIXFILE9.ZIP Yes 15155 09-19-94
Update to.DIR file updating program (much
faster now).
FLAWTEST.ZIP Yes 20097 12-03-94
Flawtest Flawtest will test your computer for
a Math Processor flaw found in Pentiums
manufactured before July 1994, and in some
486's, and 386's.
FPUFIX10.ZIP Yes 48715 12-08-94
FPUFIX v1.0 12/7/94 Avoid Pentium FDIV errors
with this Windows and DOS program that
changes the state of a Pentium CPU so that
most software thinks the floating-point unit
is turned off. Not a TSR or device driver,
uses no memory and does not patch or modify
FPZAP.ZIP Yes 24120 12-24-94
P-ZAP/P-STAT - Two freeware programs to help
you avoid the Pentium floating-point divide
P-STAT is a Visual Basic utility that tells
you the state of the co-processor flag.
GR20.ZIP Yes 137339 10-18-94
GR.EXE Version 2.0! The ultimate BATCH file
enhancer! Create custom screens for your
batch files or for programs that you write
W/very simple script file that will blow you
HORST_1.ZIP Yes 11669 10-23-94
Horst Schaeffer's free batch/DOS utilities
from the Fidonet BATPOWER echo. Contents;
INFO301A.ZIP Yes 11414 12-30-94
INFO 3.01a - 4DOS REQUIRED - Tells
information about your system. QUICK!
autodetects all Physical and Network
drives and examines them. More
INTER44A.ZIP Yes 362121 01-15-95 MSDOS Interrupt List 44 A
INTER44B.ZIP Yes 361944 01-15-95 MS DOS Interrupt List 44 B
INTER44C.ZIP Yes 345011 01-15-95 MS DOS Interrupt List 44 C
INTER44D.ZIP Yes 353829 01-15-95
MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 44
Contains over 6550 entries (plus more
than 2400 tables) in INTER44A to
INTER44C, and conversion programs to
create hypertext databases as well as
other miscellaneous programs in INTER43D.
JUMP20.ZIP Yes 7891 10-18-94
JUMP.EXE v2.0 batch file enhancer to save the
current drive and directory to the
environment, and restore them at any later
time. Freeware.
KEYTAP10.ZIP Yes 8182 10-27-94
KeyTap v1.00 - Non-TSR keystroke simulator.
Runs application or shell whilst simulating
user keypresses. Ideal for automating menu
driven programs, or using from batch scripts.
LESS232.ZIP Yes 240498 09-25-94
This is the distribution of "less", a
paginator similar to "more" or "pg".
LILDIR1.ZIP Yes 15116 12-28-94
Little Directory v.1. ala DOS's DIR. This
one has 12 options (1 to 5 columns, walk
the subdirectory tree, ..) and you can set
your default with an environment variable.
Optional tree display with size of each
directory. Free.
LINKLN10.ZIP Yes 23910 01-17-95
Links/LN enables you to create "links" to
EXE and COM files. - Smaller PATH enviro-
nment variable. Just include a links
directory in your PATH and create links
to each executable file whose directory
was formerly included in your PATH.
Faster execution of programs. Less disk
head movement, thus less wear and tear,
thus longer life of your hard disk.
This software is free for personal use.
Copyright (c) 1994 by TBH-Softworx /
LOAD222.ZIP Yes 38646 06-01-94
Load v2.22: DOS command-line driver loader/
unloader for DOS 2-6 (not DR-DOS, OS/2, NT);
options include loading into UMB, setting min
UMB address, unloading loaded drivers, DOS
version deceiving; 06/01/94; Francisco De
LOCKOUT.ZIP Yes 7606 01-02-95
Quick and easy computer locking utility.
Allows user to lock unwanted people out of an
entire computer, or just certain programs,
DOS based. CardWare.
MAKENAME.ZIP Yes 28593 10-30-94
Make unique filenames for your batch programs
with this helpful utility. Pinnacle Software.
MCARET10.ZIP Yes 25472 12-05-94
Mr. Caret v1.0 - This program can set the
system-caret to not blink or to blink at any
specified rate. The caret is a blinking
symbol (typically a line or block) which
indicates where text will be inserted.
$8 from Natural Software Company.
MDIR11.ZIP Yes 71693 11-05-94
MegaDir v1.1: great little directory listing
utility w/the ability to sort the files by
name, extension, size or date (either from
low to high OR high to low); colors filenames
based on the file's extensions; 11/05/94;
MEMHELP.ZIP Yes 2644 11-26-94
Memory tips to free up conventional and upper
so that you dont' need to buy aftermarket
memory managers. Helpful for DOS 5.00 6.00
6.2 and 6.22 user free no charge.
MSCOPE2A.ZIP Yes 1208614 12-18-94 MICROSCOPE FOR THE PC v2.0, 1/2
MSCOPE2B.ZIP Yes 1271045 12-18-94
Shareware Evaluation Version. Reqs VGA and
at least 640k ram.
MTBOOT.ZIP Yes 26074 12-20-94
Multi Boot 1.0 Multi-Boot Configuration
Configure up to four different boot
configurations Easy, no boot-up menu. $15
MTWIN101.ZIP Yes 73347 11-22-94
Maintini v1.27: small DOS-based pgm which
lets you modify any kind of INI-files from
the DOS cmd line; create new section, add or
modify key & values; delete, comments.
MYBATS.ZIP Yes 4988 10-11-94
These are just some useful batch files
I've come up with over the years.
ONCEADAY.ZIP Yes 26099 11-22-94
Batch File Utility; Returns a different DOS
ERRORLEVEL the first time it's run each day.
Allows controlling an event/backup/whatever
to occur once a day. Simple to setup/use.
Freeware (!) from Hottips BBS
PATHWIZ.ZIP Yes 23783 10-30-94
PATHWIZ By Intergrated Data Systems Use
PathWiz to add or subtract directories in
your path. When you tell PathWiz to add a
directory to your path, it first checks to
see if it is already there. PathWiz also
increases the usable size of your path to 512
bytes! (DOS normally gives you 127).
PBUGTEST.ZIP Yes 20846 12-25-94 An informative Pentium FDIV bug test!
PENTABUG.ZIP Yes 16287 12-11-94
Check your Pentium for division bug. Includes
C source and sample output.
PIGAS200.ZIP Yes 222140 01-05-95
Data Protector v2.00: allows you to protect
the info in your PC against unauthorized
access w/protection for files/directories;
PM_10_94.ZIP Yes 52930 10-12-94
PMODE v3.04 protected mode DOS extender by
Tran. Update as of October 1994. Small, fast,
stable, and FREE!
POPK141A.ZIP Yes 61592 11-30-94
Creates a custom pop-up menu (user command)
that will be activated when the right mouse
button is pressed. These user commands are
comprised of macro procedures that executes a
sequence of instructions to control an
application. Hw.
PRESZ104.ZIP Yes 57238 10-22-94
Partition Resizer v. 1.0.4 This is the first
full featured partition handling
program.Moves and resizes all DOS partitions,
without deleting the data. IDE hard disks,
8086 (c) Zeleps 1994
Q87_37.ZIP Yes 114409 11-22-94
(Q87 V3.7 Math Accelerator and Emulator
(Run all AutoCADs without a coprocessor.
(Up to 400% faster graphics, CAD, etc.
(Requires a 386SX+, 1.5 Mb RAM+, and DOS 5 or
(6. This is a 20 minute demo, with a quick
(and inexpensive upgrade available. )
QC11.ZIP Yes 8122 10-27-94
Quick Change (QC) v1.1: pgm that enables you
to quickly change to a directory by just
using a single short alias
QUTILS32.ZIP Yes 80423 11-20-94
Quick Utils 3.2 (c) Copyright 1994
Consisting of 14 small, efficient command
line programs. Handy!
RCDIR101.ZIP Yes 75395 11-20-94
Deluxe DIR V10.1 - Replaces command.com "DIR"
command. More switches, faster and more
powerful than dir. Uses colors to show
file-type and uses Unix style extended w.
SP1007.ZIP Yes 988545 11-10-94
SP1007.ZIP (Compaq)
Personal Computer Diagnostics/SETUP Ver
PC 10.01 Rev A - English 1.44MB P/n
196328-007 (This softpaq requires SP1008
for PC platforms) After running SP1007,
please view the SP1007.DOC file for
SP1008.ZIP Yes 1394432 11-11-94
SP1008.ZIP (Compaq)
Personal Computer Diagnostics Ver PC
10.01 Rev A - English 1.44MB P/n
196327-007 (This softpaq requires SP1007
for ISA machines) After running SP1008,
please view the SP1008.DOC file for
SP1009.ZIP No 787651 11-11-94
SP1009.ZIP (Compaq)
Windows Supplemental Program Disk (WSPD)
v1.45 - English This softpaq requires
either SP0891 or SP0958 to be
downloaded. After running SP1009, please
view the SP1009.DOC file for help.
SP1016.ZIP No 1698529 11-11-94
SP1016.ZIP (Compaq)
FILES. 1.44MB P/N 181626-001
SP1034.ZIP No 220034 11-28-94
SP1034.ZIP (Compaq)
PCMCIA Modem Enabler for DOS/Windows
Version 1.01 720KB Media
After running SP1034, please view SP1034 help
SP1045.ZIP No 505137 11-17-94
SP1045.ZIP (Compaq)
This is a SoftPaq of the Compaq PCMCIA
software, Version 1.25 Rev. A Supercedes
SSD27.ZIP Yes 143663 11-23-94
SSD is a code analyser for investigating
programs on the IBM PC. It handles
all 8086 instructions. Packed and encrypted
programs are not a problem to SSD. SSD is
immune to single-step and breakpoint
interrupt revectoring, null jumps,
keyboard disabling and hlt commands. cc
STEPV101.ZIP Yes 3246 03-23-94 Step through batch files one line at a time.
TBT324.ZIP Yes 51616 10-31-94
TurboBAT Batch File Compiler 3.24 08/17/94
TurboBAT Creates a .COM program file from a
DOS batch file. Eliminates the need to
distribute batch files with source code.
Registered users do not need to pay royalties
on programs created with TurboBAT. Shareware
Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP). $19.95
TLB_A252.ZIP Yes 209727 10-24-94
BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.52) Requires the
companion standard package, TLB-V252.ZIP.
TLB_T252.ZIP Yes 39149 10-24-94
Small program to test compatibility with THE
successful, you may want to download
TLB-V252.ZIP and (perhaps) TLB-A252.ZIP.
TLB_V252.ZIP Yes 268582 10-24-94
Loads device drivers, TSRs, and more between
640k and 1 meg. Compatible w/DOS 6, Win 3.1,
& all prot. Mode software. Requires 8088 or
above and a supported shadow ram controller,
TLB_W252.ZIP Yes 4648 10-09-94
What's new in version 2.52 of THE LAST BYTE
USE_UMBS.ZIP Yes 20329 11-02-94
USE!UMBS.SYS v2.0: Upper Memory Block Manager
for PC/XT/ATs. This program is a device
driver that will handle calls for Upper
Memory Blocks. Save conventional memory by
storing device drivers and resident programs
in the UMBs and hence save conventional
memory. It takes up only 256.
UUD20.ZIP Yes 66035 11-02-94
bAtCh uuDECODER Ver. 2.00 For DOS Now Decode
Multiple Binaries Using Wildcards In A Single
VID_FX2.ZIP Yes 82595 09-16-94
VGA/EGA graphic program for batch files!
Spice up your batch's with 33 AWESOME graphic
effects. Add a little spice to your batch
VR_DOS12.ZIP Yes 66240 11-22-94
Virtual Reality DOS Directory Utility. Move
around your disk space in vector 3D. Like the
system shown at the end of Jurassic Park.
VGA, 386. Supports mouse, file associations.
Shareware by: GCS.
XDOS0794.ZIP Yes 1016475 10-29-94
ExtraDOS Toolbox 09/93 Release
A collection of over 50 DOS utilities.
Includes TurboBAT, SpeedRAM, Tidy,
CleanUp and many more. All utilities
work with DOS 6.0. Foley Hi-Tech Systems
XSET420.ZIP Yes 153534 09-15-94
ZDIR21.ZIP Yes 53372 11-07-94
ZanySoft Dir (ZDir) is an easy to use and
very powerful directory lister. The main
purpose of ZDir is to replace the generic