Wednesday November 9th, 1994 мммњ .мм њ мњ мн ммн ў о м м љм ол мл ол п. олўллн ллљ лл љлнол лнмнў ллпњ мппплм олнолў ллў олњ олоон оппмњ олўњљ олмўол олпњ. олнон олн ллолн ол.лн .п пппп п љ .ппп ппп пп лў њп п о м ммм . ммммм ммн о мн ммм м љм љлнол пм.пњ љлл ллњ лнол ў пм лњ лнмнў олоон оппўм ол.ў ллўолоон млпм оппм оппмњ ллолн олммн олнњ олнллолн олн.он олљлн ол.лн пп лў ппп ппп пппп пў плмпў .п п њп п PsyLink was created on the principle of offering an alternative to the usual boring net that has the same topics and can be found on every BBS you call. PsyLink isn't like that, it's different for several reasons, first of all, there are no in-your- face moderators or sysop to push everyone around. Everyone has a say in the net, so no one gets high on themselves. It is a fairly small net with dedicated co-ordinators willing to expand. The hosts have 28,800 modems, so you don't have to watch your CPS rates crawl. About now you're probbbly saying "That's what every net says, and they never come through" well, there is one more very important detail: You'll be talking about your favourite subject, Science Fiction, of course. There is a wide variety of science fiction and general topics, so you'll be sure to please any kind of user. PsyLink is a public domain net, where people have almost no restrictions, a sci-fi free for all. =)