UMSLIP usage: UMSLIP [?] [-n] [-w] [-s] [packet_int_no] [recv_buf_size] description: The UMSLIP driver is a packet driver. It transmits and receives SLIP packets on the serial line. parameters: There are two kinds of parameters: flags and values. Flags are preceded by a dash (-). Values are data which override built-in or "default" information. You can run UMSLIP with no parameters at all and it will use its default settings. ? Prints out the usage line. -n Converts between Ethernet type 8137 and Novell ISO-like packets. This is required on some Novell networks. -w Windows mode. Lets you use UMSLIP while running MS Windows. -s Silent: UMSLIP runs normally, but prints no messages. The packet_int_no is the hardware interrupt number and defaults to 0x60. The recv_buf_size is the amount of memory set aside to store incoming and outgoing data and defaults to 1500. Other parameters can be set via the PHONE program, including COM port, baud rate and data parameters.