v0.2a - display now much faster and more efficient! Scrollback and changing worlds is MUCH faster. - improved default buttons in windows - added more status messages - it doesn't automatically close a world on disconnect anymore - changes text on world bar to red for a disconnected world - changes text on world bar to cyan for a world being logged - added Open to file menu..just displays the World window - added Close to the file menu...explicitly closes the active world - added option to go to the first active world after closing a world - added option to close the world on disconnect - added programmable function keys F1-F12 - added logging - paste from text file - copy screen (graphical image) to clipboard - paste text from clipboard - fancy new 3-D grey motif! Woo! - added auto bug report mailer! Now THIS is nifty! - added status msg window..double click on status bar to see last 50 msgs - HUGELY improved handling of world status..smaller, faster, and made alot of the code much cleaner. v0.1a - Initial release