ZFV-ZIP Format View, Version 1.13 15-Oct-94 Okay, I see from the download counts on CompuServe that there is some interest in this program. I was hoping to take yet another "vacation" from this freeware business, but a "user" recently reported encountering "Out Of Memory" errors using ZFV version 1.12. Since I don't use ZFV that often, it's not surprising (to me) that I've never encounted this problem. The fix was easy. I simply left the code unchanged, and recompiled under the "compact" memory model - more memory available for data. The resulting .EXE file is larger for only this reason. My current point of view is that I generally make my programs available for the benefit of *users*, not for other programmers. My impression is that ZFV mainly appeals to programmers. However, since it's out there, I find it difficult to leave a "defective" program as my final word on the subject. Raymond