SVGA Mah Jongg Tile Set Description This File : BUBBLE.TXT Tile Set Name : BUBBLE.TL Subject : Bubbletop cars in various colors and attitudes. Date : July 22, 1994 Created by : Tom Boothby 2202 SE Tenino Portland, OR 97202 (503) 238 1443 Description: This tile set follows, generally, the format of the original Mah Jongg set: three suits, four winds and two sets of wild cards, flowers and seasons. In fact, however, the suits related in color and end in a terminal stop sign. My real purpose in this set is cloud development. Recently, I discovered how I could satisfactorily put clouds on tiles. I have been experimenting with my newfound ability and though I have a long way to go artistically, the mechanics have been developing. It will be interesting to see what can be done with the new shades of white and grey! I appreciate any comments you feel like making, even solicate them. Please feel free to copy and pass on. Go ahead flatter me. I never work on a tile set without at least a mental thank you to Nels, for the development of this facility and continuing upgrades. And now this real leap forward into SVGA. Suit: Suit: Suit: 1-10 11-20 21-30 Wild Cards: Wild Cards: 31) North 35-38 Yellow Patrol 39-42 Black and Whites 32) East 33) West 34) South Thank you again Nels Anderson