SVGA Mah Jongg Tile Set Description This File : FLAGABET.TXT Tile Set Name : FLAGABET.TL Subject : A tile set showing the International Flag Alphabet Date : July 31, 1994 Created by : Tom Boothby 2202 SE Tenino Portland, OR 97202 (503) 238 1443 Description: This tile set consists of 36 tiles. All match themselves. At present I am at work on about 5 different tile sets, all new, for the new SVGA Mah Jongg. This set lists the letters of the alphabet and the numerals used in flag (the numerals are displayed on pennants not flags) commumication world wide. There are lots more flags, but the tile set lets me show only 36. It is lots of fun doing the research for these sets and then watching each tile burst into life! I think each tile is self-explanatory. There are no suits. Thank you again Nels Anderson