SVGA Mah Jongg Tile Set Description This File : PICTO.TXT Tile Set Name : PICTO.TL Subject : International informational signs Date : July 24, 1994 Created by : Tom Boothby 2202 SE Tenino Portland, OR 97202 (503) 238 1443 Description: This tile set does not follow the format of the original Mah Jongg set: three suits, four winds and two sets of wild cards. However the first 34 are distinctive and each matches the others in it's stack. The wild card suits will match themselves but not each other. You might see some of these as you travel the world over. Well, maybe not Antarctica. 1) Waiting Room 11) Taxi Zone 21) Toilets 2) Airport 12) Baggage Weigh-in 22) Food 3) Handicapped 13) Egress 23) Elevator 4) Bedrooms 14) Lost and Found 24) Barber 5) Parking 15) Car by Rail 25) Drinks 6) Smoking Area 16) Baggage Check 26) Marina 7) No Smoking Area 17) Baggage Lockers 27) Showers 8) Tickets 18) Baggage Carts 28) Safe Drinking Water 9) Rest 19) Meeting Room 29) Usafe Drinking Water 10) Bus Zone 20) Trolley 30) Train Wild Cards: Wild Cards: 31) Escalator Up 35-38 Men's 39-42 Women's 32) Escalator Down 33) Information 34) This Way I don't know why I included these explanation, The signs are supposed to be self-explanatory in almost any modern language. Thank you again Nels Anderson