Mah Jongg Tile Set Description This File : SVGAEZR.TXT Tile Set Name : SVGAEZR.TL Subject : Hooked on phonics? Date : July 12,1994 Created by : Tom Boothby 2202 SE Tenino Portland, OR 97202 (503) 238 1443 Description: This tile set was constucted originally as EZREAD.TIL with Nels Anderson's Mah Jongg TILEMKR and is presently modified to fill the new medium, SVGA MAH JONGG. All the tiles were converted to this new configuration by expanding the set to fit the new tile set then modifying those squares that needed to be so that the presentation would be as pleasing to the eye as possible. The set is made up of short vowels words. Maybe the kids can learn to read while they play! Thanks again Nels Anderson!!!