Robert J. Deutsch 1402 Liberty St. #302 Allentown, PA 18102 ULTIZURK III: The Guildmaster's Quest, Version 1.1 *** INSTRUCTION MANUAL *** Note! If you have a printer, print this out for reference! Dr. Dungeon invites thee to thy ultimate challenge in: ULTIZURK III Part 1: The Guildmaster's Quest 1 - What IS Ultizurk III? 2 - Is it a bummer to CONFIGURE? 3 - How do I PLAY it? 4 - What do I GET if I register it? 5 - What is Part 2 about? (1) What's it about? ULTIZURK III: The Guildmaster's Quest, is a top-down view style game with full 256 color graphics and mouse point & click interface. You will explore a huge and incredible world. Everything you need to play is included. It is a complete game with all features fully enabled. You are the Guildmaster. You have been invited to visit the lovely land of Good King Eldor, with a beautiful siren for a companion. But alas! No sooner do you arrive at the castle when the unexpected suddenly happens... Registration will bring you Part 2 for FREE, plus just a whee bit more. See option #4 for details. You don't want to miss it! (2) Configuring your game. There are two major requirements to play Ultizurk III: #1 Don't run it in WINDOWS. #2 Set up a disk CACHE. The full requirements are fairly typical, and easy to set: - You need a 386SX/16 or faster computer with 2 megs of RAM. - You need 578k-590k free memory. Run C:\DOS\MEM to check. - You need DOS 5 or better. - You need C:\;C:\DOS in your AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH statement. - You need a Microsoft compatible mouse & driver running. - You need a VGA monitor. -AND, chances are your computer is already set up like that! But just in case... Following is a sample configuration from an IBM compatible. These two files can be found in the root directory, C:\ and viewed with DOS's EDIT, or WINDOWS NOTEPAD. (Note: I repeated all this in the QuickStart menu in the game.) These are settings using DOS 6. If you have DOS 5 but also WINDOWS 3.1, you can change the DOS path to WINDOWS for the SMARTDRV line. Note all the things that have been loaded into high and upper memory. This saves a LOT of free mem. Note also how C:\;C:\DOS is in the PATH. This is VERY important for the SAVE and LOAD game feature. Note also there is no EMM386 line! 'Tis important 'cause UZ3 is NOT compatible with it! *** AUTOEXEC.BAT *** PROMPT $P$G PATH C:\;C:\DOS LH C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE C+ 1024 SET COMSPEC=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM LH C:\DOS\MOUSE C: *** CONFIG.SYS *** DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH,UMB BUFFERS = 25 FILES=25 LASTDRIVE = D FCBS=4,0 SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM /P The smartdrv C+ option means it caches for writes as well as reads. If you are using only DOS 5, it will be alright to just put LH C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE 1024 in. If you have 4 megabytes of RAM, make the number 2048 If you have 8 megabytes of RAM, make the number 4096 The more the merrier! You really need at least 1024 of cache or the game may run choppy. To change these files, the first thing you should do is save a backup of your normal day to day configurations. At the C:\> dos prompt, type this: CD C:\DOS COPY C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\MYAUTO COPY C:\CONFIG.SYS C:\MYFIG EDIT You will be in the DOS editor. In the editor, type: COPY C:\MYAUTO C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT COPY C:\MYFIG C:\CONFIG.SYS Then select FILE in the upper left, and Save As... Type on that box: NORMAL.BAT Now, no matter what happens, you need to only type NORMAL at the dos prompt to restore your computer's usual configuration! If you play a lot of games like I do, you will find this little technique very useful to restore your computer's regular configuration back from all the wildly different setups for various games. All you need do after NORMAL is re-set the computer by hitting the re-set button if you have one, or pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE keys at the same time, or turning your computer off, wait a bit, then on again. That's because the files AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS only take effect at fire up time. Please remember to make this NORMAL backup first! * * * Now, for Ultizurk, you do the same process, load AUTOEXEC.BAT in EDIT, make the changes described above, then Save As... UZ3AUTO and UZ3FIG, for AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS When you have those made, you need to make a BAT file like NORMAL.BAT, but with the UZ3 stuff: In the editor, type: COPY C:\UZ3AUTO C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT COPY C:\UZ3FIG C:\CONFIG.SYS Then select FILE in the upper left, and Save As... Type on that box: UZ3READY.BAT Then it is a simple matter of typing UZ3READY at the prompt, RESET computer. You'll be at the dos prompt with the proper configuration, plus an easy way to restore it to your usual config by typing NORMAL. You can use this for ANY games you play! 'Tis a handy technique! Once you have this all done, you need never worry about it again. If you register for part 2, the same configuration will work! Whew! Now the LAST step: Change into the DIRECTORY where UZ3.EXE resides! For example: CD C:\AOL\DOWNLOAD\UZ3 or where ever you have the game and all 600+ files. This is the most important thing! You must BE in the directory where it is BEFORE you run it, otherwise it'll CRASH! The above is a likely directory, but you might have it elsewhere like: CD C:\GAMES\MYSTUFF or where ever. On my own machine, I have all the files in C:\ULTIZR3 where I made it from. Then just type UZ3 to begin the game. In future fire ups, after you press the ENTER key, you can quick tap the ESC key to skip the cool title screens, and get right to the main menu. Well, that's all you need to know to get up and running! Ok, I realize that not everybody is familiar with changing setups, etc., but the Castle of The Mach Gryphon can help! If you're really stuck on all this, CALL ME! I am usually around in the evenings around 8 PM EST. If you call, please call before 10. 'Tis Dr. D's bedtime! This is also a chance to see that I am for real and I exist, in case you're concerned about sending in for part 2. I am at (610) 434-0723 If for any reason that number should change, I will be sure to remain listed and findable via directory assistance. Don't be afraid to call. I hear quite often from players of my games. Thanks! (3) How to play Don't read this! I promised the new interface would be so easy you could figure it out just by clicking around! And it is! Just make sure you've reviewed section 2, configuring, then from the main menu select NewGame. Go ahead! Play a bit, save your game, exit then come back here and read more! First, remember that this is Part 1. It is a full and complete game with all features fully operative. You can get Part 2 upon registering $15, plus a BONUS surprise - see menu option #4. Registrations can be sent to: Robert J. Deutsch 1402 Liberty St. #302 Allentown, PA 18102 Thanks! You will not regret it, I assure you! Now the fun stuff! Playing this thing! Ultizurk III is a huge and complex game, but the interface is a snap. Everything is point and click mouse control! You left click on ICONS, which then turn green, expecting you to then perform that action ON something. The EYE icon allows you to LOOK at stuff. The little HAND icon allows you to USE stuff - open doors, chests, light torches, etc. USE scrolls, books, etc., to read them. Try USING everything you see. The BAG icon allows you to open the inventory for both you and Losi. More on this in a bit. The SWORD icon allows you to ready an attack, click on a monster while it is green and you will attack. Losi fights automatically with whatever weapon she has armed. The LIPS icon are for talk. You can talk to Losi or any people you see by clicking it, then the person. The little BOOK icon is your ledger. Click it and Losi will tell how much gold you have. A Note! The status line at the bottom reports what happens. If it is in WHITE, then it is you the Guildmaster talking. If purple, it's Losi. If orange, it is just a report. This line disappears after you walk awhile, or you can erase it by left-clicking on it. The little MAP icon will give you an overhead view when outside. The DISK icon is to save/restore/return to game if accidental, or X-it game. If saved, you can restart from main menu by selecting QuestOnward. After the intro screens, you'll get the main menu. Click on ViewIntro and you will see a nice gothical readout about the Guildmaster and how and why he is back in King Eldor's land. When that's done, select NewGame. You'll again see the title screen as it loads. It will fade in and Losi should enter TALK mode. Talk mode is pretty self-explanatory. Just follow what it says on the menu list, pressing ENTER after each word you type. This is the only place you use the keyboard, incidentally. Say BYE or hit ESC or ENTER when done talking. As the game progresses you may learn more things the people can say without being hilighted in yellow. It's almost always just one word that you type. To move, just roll the cursor near the Guildmaster. It will turn into an arrow in eight directions, just press and hold to walk, or click. The arrow will work within 2 squares of the Guildmaster. Losi will always follow him, being such a fine companion. There are also two uses for the RIGHT button: It defaults as LOOK. Just right-clic anywhere on map to get a description. In combat, it defaults as if the SWORD icon - tap rbutton lightly and quickly, and the action stops, allowing you to aim. Press again and whamo! If you're really in the heat of battle, right HOLD and attack is immediate. Or, you can left clic the SWORD icon then clic again on monster. To see the STATISTICS of you or Losi, just clic on their portrait. Your STRength is approximately how hard you hit monster, depending on your level and weapon armed. INT is intelligence factor. AC is armor class, depending on what kind of armor you are wearing. HPT is your current hit points. All this rises as you progress. Talk to King Eldor for details. You'll also see these stats appear when a MONSTER wallops you. As you play around with these icons and experiment, it should be pretty easy to see how it works. Remember especially the USE icon -- For example, USE joop joop tree to pick berries. USE honeysuckle clover, herbs in fields, and many more things which leads us to.... INVENTORY CONTROL! If you USE a chest, hollow tree stump, cavern niche, skeleton, etc., a little box will appear in the upper viewport, displaying it's contents. This will also open up TWO inventory packs, yours and Losi's, where their portrait was. Clicking the BAG icon does the same. The reason opening a box also opens your inventory is because it's expected you'll likely be doing some inventory work whenever opening a container. You will see a new list of box icons, similar to the main icons but with an inventoryish look - this cues the player that he is now operating in INVENTORY. You don't close doors, pick berries, etc. while IN inventory. The icons are pretty obvious. SEE is exactly like the EYE, but SEES stuff in inventory. Yes, the RIGHT button LOOK default also works just like left click eye. Use this a LOT to see the details of the stuff you have. The MOVE icon is obvious. Do you want to move that magic sheild into Losi's inventory for safe keeping? Clic MOVE then clic the sheild, or whatever. You will see PRINTOUTS at screen bottom prompting you every step of the way. The move icon is now also green. Clic any empty GREY area, and plip! It will go there. ANY grey area! Inventory will stay as you arrange it. If you have a chest or skeleton body open, use MOVE to pass goods back and forth. You can move them to and from ANY open box - even within a boxes' own self. Play with this one a lot. If you MOVE gold coins, nuggets, or bars, they will disappear with a message that it's been added to your gold, as seen in your ledger (book icon.) You can move gold to you or Losi. USE in inventory has several uses. Mostly, it USES stuff you have. For example, are you low on hit points? Is the Guildmaster's face bloody? (Yes, they WILL turn bloody!) Well, why not USE one of those potent joop joop berries? Or that apple or piece of bread? These will give you hit points. USE pocketwatch for time, sextant for location if outside. USE tent to set up camp. (There's two rolled up in the castle.) There is only ONE use for USE on the MAP while you are IN inventory: Containers. Suppose you are in a dungeon surrounded by several chests, and a few dead skeletons. You'll probably want to see everything without having to exit inventory. Well, you can USE chests, etc., exactly as if you were out of inventory! Try it! There's several banks of chests in the courtroom to experiment. Ok, so you found the SunFire Bane, or that fancy sword. A quick LOOK tells you the sword has an attack class of 25. How to use this sword? The PUT icon. This is how you WEAR stuff to make it DO something. Select PUT, then clic an item in your inventory. You will see something new!! The inventory screen is temporarily replaced by a new box, this one with the Guildmaster in it, surrounded by suspicious-looking greyed out boxes. Hmm! That one to the left looks like a shadowed sword. Aha! The place to put your WEAPON! Clic on it, and whatever you selected from inventory will GO there - you'll see it for a second, then the main inventory returns. Want to take it off? No problem. Read the menu prompts as you clic - it's very clear. Clic PUT, then a GREY blank spot in your inventory. This means take off, or put OFF an item - the wear box appears again with a message. Clic on the item to remove. Bingo! It's off, and back in your pack! Or, you could just put a new item on and they will switch places. If you make a mistake, just clic the X-IT icon. That's also a good way to EXAMINE what you are wearing - clic PUT then anything in inventory, see the wear screen, then clic X-IT to go back - again, the menu prompts tell you this. And, of course, all this works for Losi's inventory also. Try this! Take some food from the cooks chest, MOVE some into your inventory, then into Losi's. USE yours, then hers. 'Delicious!' it says. Hit points go up when you do, but did you notice how 'Delicious' appears in WHITE when you eat, PURPLE when Losi eats? Did that for consistancy. You may have noticed that Losi is the only one who, in talk mode, prints out in purple. Now! Some neat stuff! Almost everything in the land can be used!!! Shovels, icepicks, lockpicks, fishing poles, magical items, etc. Just arm these like you do a weapon, then walk around and look for something logical to USE. The program knows what you have armed. Try this!! Find a BUCKET somewhere. Arm it. Go out in the courtyard up to one of the fountains and USE it. Bucket is filled!! Now, go into inventory and PUT a flare where the bucket was. (See how the bucket is now full?) Go down the cellar and turn off the torches (Yes! It's smart enough to know you're not using the flare on the torch! Same for USE doors, etc.) Now, flare in hand, USE floor. Whoosh! A fire appears! Go back in inventory. PUT on water bucket. Exit. USE on fire. Fizz! It's out! Did you notice how the palette light changed when you lit and unlit the fire? Go east into the town and find the fisherman. USE chest to get a fishing pole. PUT on like weapon. Go out east to dock. USE water. If they're biting, you can catch one of two kinds of fish!! Eat for hit points, or sell it to the fisherman for gold!!! Also try the shovel on the ground! Or use water bucket on ground or grass. It's fun! Fundamental rule: If it's not a pocketwatch, sextant, tent or food, PUT IT IN YOUR HAND TO USE IT! There are many items which do things this way. Losi can also use a few things - but those she can't are part of the game so you'll find out when and why. Did you notice yet how the palette slowly darkens as the day progresses? And remembers to reset it when you go inside a firelit savage hut, and exit again? Now when using PUT, you probably saw some other grey spaces - the shape should make it obvious that these are for other things like helm, boots, armor, and sheild. Try wearing different things then EXIT and left clic your portrait to see the change. The armorer of Eldorton will give you much more detailed information. Remember, the PUT is separate for you and Losi. If you want her to wear That ranger's armor in YOUR pack, you must first MOVE it to hers, then PUT unto her. Same thing but it'll appear over her box. One final note: There are 5 keyboard commands, the numbers 1-5 at the top of the keyboard. SPEED control!!! Tap 1 and they will walk as fast as your computer will take them. 2 is moderately fast. 3 is normal speed. 4 is slow. 5 is exceedingly slow and cautious. I have it pre-set at 3, which I think is the most realistic speed. If you run it on a 20 mhz or slower computer, select 1 to optimize. Final note about inventory: If you have too much junk, just MOVE it into some blank spots in a chest or hollow tree stump or something. USE everything in the land. There are many containers, buried chests, etc., that can be found. Experiment and have fun!! (4) What do I get for registering? You get... ULTIZURK III Part 2: The Mobius Mind But That's not all....! You get... The Great Ultizurkian Underland, prequel to this game. It tells among other things, how the Guildmaster met Losi. Both of these games are fully runnable and fully enabled! Yes, you get TWO games for registering Ultizurk III. This means you will get TWO games for FREE!! That is a bargain that barely has me covering costs! I have also decided to maintain the low fee of only $15 dollars. That's practically giving it away, but I want people to have fun! Send your registration of $15 to: Robert J. Deutsch 1402 Liberty St. #302 Allentown, PA 18102 If you are worried as to wether or not I am for real, or still in operation, call me on the phone!! I do this myself before I register a product to make sure the guy is for real, so don't be afraid to call at (610) 434-0723 It should only take about a week to get your UZ3 Part 2 and Underland disks. They are very easy to install and run. (5) About Part 2: The Mobius Mind What would YOU do if you found yourself stranded in an alien world with a beautiful mermaid for a companion? How would YOU react in the land of the mystical sprites that you heard about in Part 1? What would you say to them? What would YOU, the Guildmaster, say when you stumble into the incredible city of the ancient creators of the Ultizurkian worlds? These are the things you will find out in: UlTIZURK III Part 2: The Mobius Mind You will recieve this game for FREE upon registering Part 1, which you are now playing. Registration is only $15 dollars. Send it to me, Dr. Dungeon. You'll have Part 2 in a week, plus the special BONUS game: The Great Ultizurkian Underland also for FREE! Send $15 to: Robert J. Deutsch 1402 Liberty St. #302 Allentown, PA 18102 Remember, feel free to CALL me if you're wondering if I'm for real! I'm usually around about 8 PM EST at (610) 434-0723 Well, that's all folks! I hope you enjoy the game! -Dr. Dungeon -In The Castle of -The Mach Gryphon