Moria in Minutes Begin by going to the seventh deep to encounter the Balrog for the first the first time. Go to the fourth level to kill the evil presence and then off to level six to teleport to Durin's level. Go now to the fourth deep to save Radaghast from a troll. Descend to the fifth deep obtain the mail, and to save Radaghast again. Travel now to the sixth deep to obtain the Durin spell, and to return the Eagle's wings. Now go to the fifth level to release Oin and Ori, and to obtain the black key. Ascend to the seventh level to sneak a peek at Balin's diary, but after reading for the third time, don't hesitate in the slightest to flee down the stairs. After everything is completed that was mentioned above, head for the last meeting with the Balrog, and then exit Moria for good. Don't forget about the pools of healing which may be visited as often as needed.