*/ DOOM KNOW IT ALL ver. 2.0 by Ramyar Jafarkhani 8-21-94 08:00p PST -- If you have anything to add or would like to make a correction, please mail me your fix so I can make the appropriate fix and release the next DOOMNOx.txt --------- I live in Alta Loma, CA, no P.O. Box yet. no E-mail either...@!# * Get a hold of me through your friends or CALL: 909/989-1845 ask for: RAM -- The save games are stored in C:\DOOMDATA. They do this because of network games. -- THE BEST GAME EDITOR THAT EXISTS... DEU written by Brendon Raphael. Use it...the Best. Make levels from scratch, too!!! Totally Cool! * I'll give you a copy of it. Also, DOOMCAD FOR WINDOWS, it's good but, it's also kind of slow. However, it gives you the simplicity of WINDOWS. -- If you are in Developer's mode and hit Q, it will quit the game, so you can't start God mode (iddqd). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ New to This Version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- The only thing new to this version of the "Doom Know it ALL" is the Tips section. CHECK IT OUT... below. -- And some modifications needed to the older version. -- Plus... a section on some command line paremeters for Doom 1.2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ LEGALS / a little discribtion of the legal parts of this file / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may NOT do what you'd like to this file. This file took a long time of effort that went into it and I nore my sources would appreciate a duplicate file with someone elses name on it. You must leave this file intact in all way. You MAY, however, distribute this file in all forms (Diskettes, Hard Drives, CD, newsletters, handouts, messages, etc.) with full credit to the author...me. When distributed, this file must be in full that includes the full contents of this file (from beginning to end), the original name of this file, and the author that's named above. P.S. Enough of the boring legal terms... READ!!! And remember.... distribute this file like crazy.... | | ------- Thank You ------- \_/ (C) 1994 SEC. P7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Command line paramiters. -devparm must be used for most but not all of these ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -devparm : developer's mode (F1 for screen shot) -watch : demo mode -playdemo filename[.lmp] : play .lmp file -timedemo filename[.lmp] : play .lmp file, show gametics and realtics at end -nodraw, -noblit : use with -playdemo or -timedemo -nodraw : don't draw anything, goes through LMP file fast -noblit : don't draw anything, run entire LMP file -port X : use alternate port X for network -net X : play X node game (mult-player) -deathmatch : start net deathmatch mode -left : show net game from "left" point of view -right : show net game from "right" point of view -drone : ? -wart, -warp [1-3] [1-9] : warp to Episode X level Y -skill [1-4] : skill level (1 = easy, 4 = ultra-violent) -episode X : start at episode X -config filename.ext : use alternate config from filename.ext -record filename[.lmp] : record to filename -recordfrom filename[.dsg] : load filename[.dsg], record to filename[.lmp] -loadgame X : load DOOMSAVx.DSG (you do not have to type the saved game's name just the number 0-5) -debugfile : ? -file : used to insert an edited or a new level -nojoy : no joystick -nomouse : no mouse -nosound : no sound -nosfx : no sound effects -nomusic : no music Ex: "doom -devparm -wart 1 1 -skill 4" will start you on the first map of episode 1 with the hardest skill level. Ex: "doom -devparm -wart 1 2 -skill 1 -record test" will put you on episode 1, map 2, skill level 1, and start recording what you do to a file named "test.lmp". To finish, you MUST either die or finish the level, then it will dump you to DOS. If you exit any other way, it won't save the file. Ex: "doom -playdemo test" will play the file test.lmp that you recorded. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ Command Line Paremeters (for Doom Operating System ver. 1.2 ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Much of the above (Sec.P7) still applies to the ver. 1.2 of Doom but not all of it. Some are different. You could find out by "trial and error" or by reading some of the below. -Node : runs Doom on multplayer # is the number of players 1-4, if no number is specified the default is 2 DUDE. This is kind of like -NET above. -Config : This allows you to use your configuration file file from any directory. This is mainly good for workstations with no C: drive. -NoMonsters : This starts the level with no enemy, people, thingies... This is really cool for DEATHMATCH play where the enemies are just not needed. -Respawn : This just mean that you are indeed a badass, and you want the enemies, people, thingies to respawn 8 sec. after you kill them. Note that : Nitemare diffficulty already does this. And remember that if you're using respawn and nomonster together... you're diffinitly very STUPID!!! -Dial : This is for modem play. This person that's dialing could enter this followed by a phone # (i.e. \doom -dial 555-3666 -Answer : This is for the person who will answer. -Com1 -Com2 -Com3 -Com4 : Enter one on these to specify off what com port you are going to use your modem or null modem (null modem: a serial cable that connects two computers together). That's basically it. If you have any more let me know. Thank you Dudes and Dudets. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ Internal cheat keys / type this while in the game [no need pressing enter] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iddqd : Holly God Mode [KBB] iddt : Use on map screen, type several times Shows full map, then shows location of all objects, then erases idkfa : Full ammo + 200% armor, 100% health, all keys, all weapons, (Kicks Big'ole Butt!-[KBB]) idspispopd : No clipping [ Walk through walls... Love the Mirrors!, use map ] idbehold : Followed by R, I, V, A, L, or S R = Radiation suit (don't need this while in GodMode) I = Invisible V = Invincible A = Automap (reveal entire map) L = Light amplification S = Berserker mode : personally, I love this one while in God Mode...[KBB] idclev : Followed by episode number and level number (a warp!) [KBB] idmypos : Prints your coordinates in hex idchoppers : Gives you chainsaw and makes you invincible! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level names in all 3 episodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm using [KBB] too much, ** Knee Deep in the Dead ** what the Heck!!!!! Hangar Nuclear Plant Toxin Refinery Command Control Phobos Lab Central Processing Computer Station Phobos Anomaly Military Base ** The Shores of Hell ** Deimos Anomaly Containment Area Refinery Deimos Lab Command Center Halls of the Damned Spawning Vats Tower of Babel Fortress of Mystery ** Inferno ** Hell Keep Slough of Despair Pandemonium House of Pain Unholy Cathedral Mt. Erebus Limbo Dis Warrens ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The end game messages for all 3 episodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ** Knee Deep in the Dead ** Once you beat the big badasses and clean out the moon base you're supposed to win, aren't you? Aren't you? Where's your fat reward and ticket home? What the hell is this? It's not supposed to end this way! It stinks like rotten meat, but looks like the lost Deimos base. Looks like you're stuck on The Shores of Hell. The only way out is through. To continue the DOOM experience, buy The Shores of Hell and its amazing sequel, Inferno! ** The Shores of Hell ** You've done it! The hideous cyber-demon lord that ruled the lost Deimos moon base has been slain and you are triumphant! But ... where are you? You clamber to the edge of the moon and look down to see the awful truth. Deimos floats above Hell itself! You've never heard of anyone escaping from Hell, but you'll make the bastards sorry they ever heard of you! Quickly, you rappel down to the surface of Hell. Now, it's on to the final chapter of DOOM! -- Inferno. ** Inferno ** The loathsome spiderdemon that masterminded the invasion of the moon bases and caused so much death has had its ass kicked for all time. A hidden doorway opens and you enter. You've proven too tough for Hell to contain, and now Hell at last plays fair -- for you emerge from the door to see the green fields of Earth! Home at last. You wonder what's been happening on Earth while you were battling evil unleashed. It's good that no Hell-spawn could have come through that door with you........... (Next there is a picture of the green fields of earth. As you look around you see a rabbit with its head cutt off and the buildings behind it totally destroyed!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ Virtual Reality Mode !!! [KBB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Above, SEC. P7, you see the commands -LEFT and -RIGHT . Well, here's a way that you can use VIRTUAL REALITY using these command. This will only work on a network. DO THIS: 1.) Put three computers side by side so that you have three monitors side-by-side. 2.) Start a three player game so that on right monitor you have the command [ -right ], on the left you have the command [ -left ], and start the center monitor normally. 3.) Now, position the monitors so that they're all around you. When the game starts you can look at your sides... see for yourself! [ cool? ] [KBB] try it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ Easier Way to Play Doom... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * x means a number * Here are some ways to start doom: > \doom -net x -cooperative : loads doom on a network game 1-4. Cooperative mode > \doom -file filename.wad : loads a newly made level, edited level, etc. > \doom -loadgame x : loads a game [enter the number where the file is. Ex. 0-5 > \doom -net x -deathmatch : loads doom on a network game 1-4. Deathmatch mode. These are just some of the command line examples. You can also use several of these together (Ex. \doom -net x -cooperative -loadgame x -file ?? ) or use some of SEC. P7. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ Tips and Cool Ways to Play Doom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Now, as you know, you can run doom from the command line paramiters. Well, I got some secret ways to use these: * You can run a network game!!! ?? BRAINDEAD?... But this time single player. Maybe you haven't thought of this or you're braindead. Anyways... I'm going to tell you. \doom -net 1 You might ask why this would be helpfull... !? Well, when you run a network game you have more weapons and sometimes more treasures . Here you can use them w/o having other people in your game......Also, when you die..all the "badies" won't come back. /The Catch--- When run this command you wouldn't be able to do some things. Like, use the Cheat-Cheats or load a game from the game itself. -- You can also use the SEC. P7 command to load a saved game that you and you friends played, on network, but this time by yourself. Everything will be the same but you get to shoot you parners without them getting mad.... -- More in the next version... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank You for Reading This, Man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm from Southern California and 14 years old. Write me: | i.C.Enterprises | c/o Ramyar Jafarkhani (network manager) | 8984 Sage Dr. | Alta Loma, CA 91701 |=================================== ========================== till my next version: Later DUDES... and kick some enemy, people, thingy BUTT!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Doom is a trademark of id Software Deu by Brendon and Raphael DoomCad for Windows also is made by someone!!! Doom know It All ver.(infinite) by Ramyar Jafarkhani Cheats are from different sources Spam is by Spam Kicks Big'ole Butt is also a trademark of... well... If you're still reading... STOP! Windows is a tradmark of by Microsoft (R) I like Beef Jerky Spam is good You're not suppose to read the credits. No one normal does. Do your Homework, NOT! Go play Doom instead Now you're making me mad!!! Claremont HS... [ cool ] Who's Meatloaf?? YMCA? YEAH? YEAH? YEAH? Readaholic call 1800-2-READ-AL BYE Stop!!!! Quit it!!!! Can't you get enough? Call ReadAl Bye */ !!!!!!Stop I'm not going to tell you again.....good........Later Peoples!! || || || || || \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ This is getting stupid ------------------------------______________________--------------------------