21 files found in Library "Genealogy"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
AC4PAF13.ZIP No 68718 10-18-94
AC4PAF v.1.3--Lists blood relatives from PAF
Lists all blood relatives of a selected
individual & produces an index which includes
the relationships. Genealogy. PAF
AHNDES23.ZIP Yes 54871 12-05-94
AHNDES v.2.3---Ahnentafel/Descent charts
(12/94) ===== Shareware by Jack Chandler
creates both Ahnentafel and Descent
charts with up to 52 generations from
your PAF data.
BIOPAF.ZIP Yes 310479 08-02-94
BIO4PAF v.2.1 ----------- Biographer for PAF
(8/94) =========== Shareware by Peter Cooley
EGED10WP.ZIP Yes 112326 10-17-94
EGEDWP v.1.0 ---- Draft Event form of GEDCOM
in WordPerfect format===== by COMMSOFT, Inc.
This document defines an Event-Oriented
GEDCOM Specification. For v5.3 GEDCOM std.
EGED10WW.ZIP Yes 157022 10-06-94
EGEDWW v.1.0 ---- Draft Event form of GEDCOM
in Microsoft Word format === by COMMSOFT,Inc.
EZT223.ZIP Yes 233424 01-01-95
EZ-Tree Genealogy from MicroFox Company. A
Family Tree Tracking and Reporting System.
EZTnnn.ZIP contains EXE, DOC, and sample tree
files. It has improved pedigree, ancestrial,
and descendant print outs
GED2AC.ZIP Yes 666195 12-12-94
GED2AC v.1.01 - GEDCOM to Access (12/94)
allows importing a GEDCOM file
into the Access database where custom reports
or analysis can be performed. Requires
Windows 3.1 and VBRUN300.DLL.
GEDCNV.ZIP Yes 10870 01-08-95
GEDCNV v.1 - Convert old GEDCOM to v.5.3
genealogy ====== Freeware by Eric Peterson
MFR60HS.ZIP Yes 339217 01-11-95
My Family Roots - a genealogy program that is
compatible with PAF's data files.
MOVNAM20.ZIP Yes 42679 11-11-94
MOVENAME v.2.0 --- Move/edit PAF place names
(11/94) ========= Shareware by Jack Chandler
NAMCLN21.ZIP Yes 21448 12-05-94
NAMCLEAN v.2.1 - Remove unused PAF names
(12/94) ===== Shareware by Jack Chandler
remove unused names (occur when you
delete records/correct mispellings) from
PAF's NAME file. More
NAMCLN22.ZIP Yes 21471 01-09-95
NAMCLEAN v.2.2 - Remove unused PAF names
(1/95) ====== Shareware by Jack Chandler
This is a utility for genealogists
NE14.ZIP Yes 38460 11-05-94
Notes Edit v.1.4-PAF notes w/favorite editor
(11/94) ========= Shareware by Jonathan Paul
This is a set of utilities for genealogists
who use Personal Ancestral File (PAF).
NE4PAF70.ZIP Yes 79160 11-30-94
NE4PAF v.7.0 ---- Edit/capitalize PAF names
(12/94) ====== Shareware by Frank Hutchison
This is a utility for genealogists using PAF
Allows mass editing of PAF names. MORE.
Now supports EMS memory and mouse.
PAFDATES.ZIP Yes 63732 06-27-94
Allows use of dates before 100 A.D. with PAF
utilities DESCEND and AHNENTAF.
PAFNMLS3.ZIP Yes 55877 07-30-94
PAFNMLS v.3--List PAF names w/counts by type
(7/94) ========== Freeware by Mike St. Clair
The "List PAF Name File Counts" utility is
for genealogists who use Personal Ancestral
File (PAF). It will list all names in the
PAF name file (NAME2.DAT) with counts, by
field type, of the number of times each
appears in the PAF database.
PAFPLUS.ZIP Yes 13419 12-05-94
PAFPLUS v.1.0 -- Lists all surnames from PAF
(2/94) ========== Freeware by Graham Butcher
PAFRC944.ZIP Yes 122619 12-01-94
PAF Review Edition 94.4 December 1994
Information about 172 shareware utilities
to enhance Personal Ancestral File, a
genealogy program. For a "changes only"
version, see file PAFRC944.xxx instead.
Also covers GEDCOM utils. by M. St.Clair