14 files found in Library "HAM / SWL / Scanner"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
APRS60.ZIP No 1415490 09-30-94
Automatic Packet Reporting System v6.0
Graphical display for ham radio operators
using packet radio. Shows locations of
stations. November 1994 release
ARN_0195.ZIP Yes 64533 01-02-95
**** AmateurRadio Net(sm) ****
January 1995 Information Pack
If you have any users interested in
Amateur Radio, SWL, Scanners or
Citizen Band this is the net for you!!
We cover these topics and more.
QWK & FTS(FIDO) distributions avail.
Currently echoing in North America and
CBLTNC46.ZIP Yes 41004 09-09-94 Rel. 4.6a of KE6CBL's Packet TNC (ham radio).
CCATS130.ZIP Yes 88583 10-17-94
CountyCAT-Ham Radio database. V1.30 - Helpful
utility for county hunters earing the first
time around award. Shareware - $10 Author:
EXAM4A95.ZIP Yes 98165 12-11-94
Advanced class patch for Exam Generator
version 2.0, 12-11-94. Amateur Radio Advanced
class FCC question pool, including diagrams
(EGA/VGA and Hercules), to be used for exams
taken between 07-01-95 and 06-30-99.
HAMLST12.ZIP Yes 7434 11-27-94 N2UTO Latest Ham Radio LandLine BBS package
HAMTST11.ZIP Yes 131217 11-19-94
HamTest v1.1 Study aid for the HAM Radio
Novice Class Exam (Element 2), Technician
Class Exam (Elemement 3A) and General Class
Exam (Element 3B).
K_FAX.ZIP Yes 28421 11-07-94
Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 by Richard R. Hensel
This program will interface with the fax
capabilities built into the KAM and KPC3
TNC's from Kantronics Inc. Ham Radio.
MSCAN13N.ZIP Yes 115324 12-12-94
� MICROSCAN v1.3 by PA3GPY vom 02-DEC-1994 �
� MSCAN 1.3 - The shareware version �
� The SSTV & FAX program for the IBM-PC ! �
� Supports receiving and transmitting in �
� all popular SSTV & FAX modes, including �
� martin and scottie modes. Monitoring of �
� RTTY, TOR-FEC and NAVTEX included. Uses �
� simple OPAMP (HAMCOMM/JVFAX) interface. �
� Multitasking software allows pictures to �
� be loaded and overlaid with text while �
� another picture is being received! 114k �
RACLOG.ZIP Yes 170580 11-07-94
RACLOG 9410. Canada logging program for hams
For Radio Amateurs of Canada Day and Winter
contests. Does auto score calculations, dupe
checking and auto reports ready for sending
to the Contest Manager.
SWLIT112.ZIP Yes 534434 12-22-94
SWLOGit v1.12 The ONLY program
shortwave listeners will EVER need.
Options: QSL script writer: writes
the QSL's for you, MUF Mapping,
Sun Terminator, Import/Export files,
Print, World clock, Many search
options, VGA/EGA World Maps, Sun
Rise/Set Times, and much more.
Many more features, to many to
list here. Much MORE to come.
MUF bug fixes.