============================================== The BIRCH BARK BBS / 414-242-5070 ============================================== Jews For The Preservation Of Gun Ownership ------------------------------------------ Book Review ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNOUNCEMENT: NEW BOOK FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF GUN OWNERSHIP ------------------------------------------------------------------ JPFO'S NEW BOOK SHOWS: "GUN CONTROL" IS THE KEY TO GENOCIDE Our second book--LETHAL LAWS--just came off the press, after a year of effort. LETHAL LAWS WILL HAVE A WORLD-WIDE IMPACT: over 350 pages of analysis and original documents show that "GUN CONTROL" WAS THE KEY TO SEVEN MAJOR GENOCIDES BETWEEN 1915 AND 1980, IN WHICH 56 MILLION PEOPLE WERE MURDERED. In a wide range of countries, officials of governments gone bad used many methods to commit these megamurders. The victims included millions of children. In LETHAL LAWS you will find the original text of the "gun control" laws that cleared the way for these 56 million murders. In addition to the English translations of these laws, we explain the events that led to the enactment of these laws, and show how these laws cleared the way for genocide. Genocides are happening more and more often. "GUN CONTROL" THREATENS AMERICANS: ALL BUT THE LAST STEP OF A GENOCIDE TOOK PLACE IN AMERICA 50 YEARS AGO. The U.S. Congress and the Supreme Court approved. THE U.S. CONGRESS HAS ENACTED THE SAME TYPES OF "GUN CONTROL" LAWS WHICH CLEARED THE WAY FOR GENOCIDES IN THE EX-SOVIET UNION AND NAZI GERMANY: 33 MILLION WERE MURDERED THANKS TO "GUN CONTROL". By enacting laws to ban the civilian ownership of military-type rifles- -the best tool to prevent genocide--the U.S. Congress is taking a giant step towards genocide. American's "gun control" laws are lethal laws! In keeping with our mission to educate and to promote the civil right to be armed, we responded to U.S. Senator Larry Craig's request for an advance copy of LETHAL LAWS. Sen. Craig, from Idaho, said he was moved by my talk to the NRA Board during the NRA convention in Minneapolis, at end-May. A member of Sen. Craig's staff told us he read LETHAL LAWS. But in the debates on the recently-passed "gun control" law, Mr. Craig did not once use LETHAL LAWS. But in the debates on the recently-passed "gun control" law, Mr. Craig did not once use LETHAL LAWS to educate other Senators that "gun control" promotes genocide, not public safety. Mr. Craig simply repeated the time worn-out words about Second Amendment rights, etc. etc. We thought Mr. Craig wanted to preserve our civil right to be armed and would eagerly highlight the link between "gun control" and genocide. We were wrong. YOU MAY WANT TO ASK SEN. CRAIG TO TELL YOU WHY HE IGNORED _LETHAL LAWS_, THUS GIVING UP HIS BEST CHANCE TO PERSUADE HIS SENATE COLLEAGUES THAT "GUN CONTROL" IS A VILE CONCEPT THAT HAS NO PLACE IN AMERICA. You may reach him at (202) 224-2752. Our first book--"GUN CONTROL": GATEWAY TO TYRANNY--exposed the Nazi roots of "gun control" in America. It is the centerpiece in hundreds of efforts to over-turn "gun control" throughout America. LETHAL LAWS is going to be even more effective when people read this book and use it as it is meant to be used: a tool to destroy the idea that "gun control" promotes civilized behavior. Our experience with Sen. Craig suggests that you--not public officials--hold the key to our struggle to destroy "gun control" and so to prevent genocide. WITH _LETHAL LAWS_ IN YOUR HANDS, YOU CAN DO MORE THAN COMPLAIN ABOUT "GUN CONTROL": YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SHOW THAT "GUN CONTROL" IS A PUBLIC POLICY THAT ACTUALLY PROMOTES MASS MURDER, THAT THE "DOWN-SIDE" TO "GUN CONTROL" IS MOUNTAINS OF CORPSES. ORDER TODAY! Send me _____ 1 Book @ U.S. $28.95 postage paid Canadian residents add U.S. $3.00 for shipping Quantity Discount Prices _____ 6 Books @ U.S. $17.50 each postage paid _____ 12 Books @ U.S. $15.50 each postage paid Wisconsin residents add 5.5% sales tax Canadian residents add U.S. $6.00 for shipping Send Orders to: JPFO, INC. 2872 S. Wentworth Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 769-0760 * Fax 483-8435 [end]