The Motherboard is watching the serials again! Do you have any bug spray? Someone must have opened a Window! Wait a'sec.. okay, i'm fine, just a little surge! Who's this Pentium babe I keep hearing about! Is it true she's FAST! Hey! Who's that foxy lady over there with the big ENTER key! Will we be playing any games today? I must be going senile, my memory isn't as good as it once was! A says he won't talk to C anymore unless he can Drive awhile! I see you! The circuits are play'n hide the neutron again! Thought you'd like to know! Hey! Have you seen DOS today? Is contrast set right? You know how touchy she is! Sure is dark in here! Spooky too! What was that? Oh... just the buffer clearing! Ya know, I perform millions of operations a day.. but that's okay! Any new programs for me to play with today? You know.. I think that last program could use some help! How's the weather out there? Hello! That last program gave me a headache! Don't you just LOVE Plethora! I do! Sure runs smooth on my circuits! When are we going to play a game? Opps! I fell asleep for a second there.. Do you ever dream that your stuck in the same old video mode??? The Modem was listening to you on the phone yesterday! There Hereeeer! Just kidding! It's ten o'clock.. do you know where your peripherals are? Have you checked for any new updates to Plethora lately? Wooo.. did you see that? Oh.. sorry! I guess not! I think we need a new sound card.. I can't hear you very well! By the way.. who was that last night playing with my joystick! Don't look now, but.. you have a mouse sitting on that pad over there. I'mmm sinnnnnging in the rain.. Opps.. I'm feeling a little fragmented today! I here there's a great GIF of a 486 Motherboard on the BBS's! Sorry for the delay! I was looking out a Window and locked up! The Motherboard says she's taking tomorrow off! I don't know if this is important or not, but.. Turbo is slowing down! I'm hungry... do you have any Window programs I can eat? Have you hugged your chips today? I'm not feeling to good, hope I don't have a virus! What's the Hard Drive so happy about? He's over there spinning! The Parallel card is splitting! You know, I wouldn't have to work so hard if you knew how to process! I thought this was a 50/50 relationship? How come I'm doing all the work! Dig the curves on that circuit! Oooh... I love the way you touch that key! Where have you been? Looking at other Motherboards? Cough!..Cough!..Cough! .. Sorry! some dust came in the door! Hereeeee's Johnny! Have you ever felt like all the cards are watching you? Can I have a little beanie like the power supply has? Ya know, there really isn't any ANY key! When you run that program, I get Sooo HOT! I don't like to talk about it, but.. my father was a Tandy! I keep looking for Data, but I can only find Spark! You're not in Kansas anymore human! Press the Home key twice to return! Ahh.. can you tell me the way to the processor? My input/output is kaput! Now.. explain that theory again on artificial intelligence! ROM won't flush the buffer again! A says he's giving C the BOOT! If I'm not in jail.. then why do you have an escape key? Please press a Function key, I'm not functioning too well! I'm feeling a little stiff! Please turn off the NumLock key! Process... Process... Process... Do we have fire insurance? Just asking! How come Autoexec always gets to go first? Lets pretend you know what you're doing this time! All sayings are copyrighted by Brandyware Software - 1994