C O M P R E S S E D A R C H I V E D F I L E S Below are some of the most frequent archived file types you are likely to run into on BBSs. The program to uncompress these files can also be found on BBSs. Today, the vast majority of Bulletin Board System OPerators (SYSOPs) use PKZIP to ZIP their IBM files. See the next section for "How to Unzip Zipped Files." .ARC A compressed archived file. You can usually uncompress these by using PKUNPAK.EXE, by PKWARE, Inc. .ARJ A compressed archived file. You can extract these files using ARJ.EXE, by Robert K. Jung. This is a shareware program. .ICE A file compressed by LHice. .LZH A compressed archived file. To uncompress this type of file, you need LHA.EXE, by Haruyasu Yoshizaki. This is freeware. .PAK A compressed archived file. To uncompress, you need a shareware program called PAK.EXE, by NoGate Consulting. .SDN A compressed archived file distributed by SDN International. This is Fidonet's Shareware Distribution Network. To uncompress .SDN files dated 1993 and later use ARJ.EXE version 2.41 or later. ARJ.EXE is a shareware program. .SDN files prior to 1993 require PAK.EXE, by NoGate Consulting, to uncompress. .ZIP A compressed archived file. You need PKUNZIP.EXE to uncompress and use these files. This is a shareware program. PKUNZIP is by PKWARE, Inc. You will want the latest version to insure complete unzipping. It changes periodically. .ZOO A compressed archived file. Requires ZOO.EXE to uncompress. ========================================================