More Programs from Maddog Productions! *May be FREQ'd from FIDO @1:2614/716 @fidonet, 7223:2200/1@RaceNet 475:3000/1@COW_Net! thru the mailer. PRINT2 - The 2 Column LaserJet, DeskJet, or DOT MATRIX printer Utility. Great program for printing out Shareware Documentation, Allfiles or other text files. In DeskJet or LaserJet mode, it prints it out in Landscape 2 pages ready for a 3 hole binder. $15.00 US File Request PRINT2 IMFDTRM - InterMail or FrontDoor Log Trimmer. Trim your log up to 2 to 14 Days. Freeware. FILE Request IMFDTRM WMTRIMR - WildMail Trimmer... A batch file Log Trimmer for WildMail FREEWARE File Request WMTRIMR Catnews! - The COOL WC Newsletter maker in ANSI RIP! Now features RIP, full screen Editor, and on the fly newsletter productions. $15.00 US File Request CATNEWS RomON - A Romdoor Utility that creates a RIP CDROM drive with the current CD that is ONLINE. Great Hellox Screen! File Request ROMON BBSNews! - Like Catnews! however, for NON Wildcat Systems. Creates a VGA looking Newsletter Bulletin in ANSI/RIP/TXT for your users File Request BBSNEWS