The EHP editor is an editor written on a HP UNIX workstation. It has been ported to OS/2 2.x and I might call this release 1.3. The version (except the regular expression pattern matching module) should also be compilable with DOS. EHP is public domain. Nevertheless note, that a small part (namely the regular expression module) is taken from the FSF. So regard their copyrights when altering or copying EHP. The package can be compiled using EMX GCC 0.8e or greater. Unpack the file using unzip utility. Construct a suitable keyboard layout using the extracted program km.exe or use the withcoming tasten.inf. Enter the path where you stored tasten.inf in the definition of you EHPINIT environment variable. Install procedure: Copy the .exe files and the tasten.inf file to a directory of your choice (best one contained in your PATH) and set the environment variable EHPINIT to something like set EHPINIT=autoind screen 80x50 keys xxx\tasten.inf where xxx represents the path where you put the tasten.inf file. If you don't have installed emx, you have to copy the .DLL-files to a directory contained in your LIBPATH statement, e.g. to \OS2\DLL. Changes of version 1.3 compared with release 1.2: - A bug in deleting a rectangular block has been fixed. When such a block ended in the last line of the file, then deleting it hung EHP in an endless loop. - Indenting a block, of which the end is in the first column of a line will not move the block end any more. This makes correction the indentation easier. - Cursor left at beginning of line will move cursor to end of previous line - When searching for the n-th occurrence of a target or replacing a target a number of times, a good speedup was achieved by deferring screen output until the wanted occurrence has been found, respectively the target was replaces the specified number of times. Known bugs: - If the confirmation coming up when leaving EHP by a keyboard command is answered with the mouse, EHP intermittently gets blocked. Terminate it using CTRL-c. In some cases, the security check is answered 'automatically' due to a phantom mouse event (at least on my machine). It's not that fine, since this should be a security check. If I get the time, I'll try to fix it. Things on my TO DO list: ... lots and lots, but from who I can steal the time? Please report bugs, hints, statements, comments and other feedback to me via e-Mail to ! I'm lucky to hear about everyone using EHP. Enjoy, Axel (